1600MW x 14 hours x 160 Eur (*) x 150 days =537 600 000 millions of Euros of income loss of a Nuclear Plant in a year !

Dear Elecrtric Oligarchy , especially in Slovenia! HI Fuhrer! As hastily proclaiming the referendum on Nuke Power some weeks ago from the long lasting communist and now progressive neoliberal same memories of how THE RADIOACTIVE ATOM is the mans best friend and heats the women while cooking, So the Electric Oligarchy now in charge hastily removed the referendum from the reasons of maybe loosing it, maybe because the tapes – The “Watergate tapes” proving scams behind the scene of ALL POLITICAL PARTIES, OPPOSITION AND GOVT MAJORITY HAND IN HAND,, maybe because the hundreds, yes, hundreds of millions in extra cakes and bribery for the participants in this mega galactic 3 times the Slovenian budget spending in the country with no sovereign currency, maybe because the involved could not define the stakes in euros and because the 25 years when the Nuke will be finished the cards of bribes will change dramatically, people involved will lose power, die or be meanwhile defenestrated and maybe nobody can count who will be the winner of the race of winning on this Nuclear Lottery treasure in fees of all kinds to be sent to foreign havens in the year 2040 or later?.
As you have read here years ago on this subject, Witchdoctor was and is against this risk taking and is all for the principle of horizontal democratic power sharing being a proponent of dispersed energy sources and not a centrailized dangerous meddling into nuclear power fallout fascist hierarchical warmongering agenda and society.
But almost EVERYBODY IN Slovenia declared themselves to be in favor of the Nuclear Power, only the time and the cost some did not like. Butalci.
The Title of this text is something that in 20 years time, if in the meantime the Electric Nuclear Western Oligarchy will not put a stop on scientific discovery and on spreading of alternative ways to make energy, will happen not in the years to come, but in the next year.
Apart from the debt financing of such a magnitude with unknown variable in 25 years , this simple formula ;
1600MW x 14 hours (10 hours minus for the night time as the day is currently 24 hours) x 160 Eur (* low estimated cost of a megawatt) x 150 days = 537 600 000 millions of Euros of income loss of a Nuclear Plant in a year ! 10 billion minimum in 20 years. Do not forget to add on this another 30 billion of overall cost and financing ofthis fantastic idea, not all inclusive with the never ending rolling of the cumulating debt.
This is a conservative estimate, a very conservative estimate with the lowest costs of the current income loss of a nukeplant which will make FROM MAY TO END OCTOBER EACH YEAR TO COME!
As we all very well do not know the Nuke Plant can not stop just like switching it off as any appliance does. So, from May to end October the sun in EUROPE is always shining somewhere. Even in Slovenia. In this months the cost of electicity is GOING ZERO! There is too much of it.
Witchdoctor own solar plant statistic is proving it.
It is not only going to zero, it is worse. Many of this days the NUCELAR PLANT wiil HAVE TO PAY somebody to take his electicity! Thats additional cost. For the simple reason: A NUKE PLANT CAN NOT STOP MAKING ELECTRICITY! The stopping is technically dangerous and even more costly.
TO avoid this scenario in the facts, the Nuke Plant will have to sell in other months the elctricity for a staggering price which will tank to the sheer bottom the economy, better than the European Austerity is already doing. OK, thats fine for Witchdoctor as this is the most drasticall degrowth plan one can plan! It is back to the caves with the help of the NUCLEAR POWER! Witchdoctor has already filled his cave with some good bottles of red wine for years to come.
Now for the Witchdoctor cherished Western brain dead audience, lets make a projection of this cost and WD will base it on the one and only INDEX the West can be proud of, since it says all of what this western civilization is: the BIG MAC INDEX- THE COST OF THE HAMBURGER. As you never know, the big mac index is the highlight of the US empire , “economist rug ” invention as the only real achievement of the west.
The cost of the big macs , so they say, is the best parameter to see the overal well being of a fat, obese western citizen and his well being health and no pension.… keep munching it!
So how is the price of a hamburger going in the last 20 years? Haha, this is really fun! The cargo cult west economy at its best!
Witchdoctor figured roughly that in 20 years the big mac index went up inflation wise from 43% to even 243% in Venezuela.
Now in which part of the index will be Slovenia? Let put it around 70%.
So the cost of the Nuke plant will be definitely 70% higher when finished. topping around 45 billion, and the loss of income from may to october will be 70 % higher.This is an optimistic projection! Only the loss of income by selling eletricity will be a billion euros a year for the next 40 years with the inflation and without counting the increase on operating costs.
Ok, Witchdoctor will rather use the rule of 72. With 36 years – 2 in 72 goes 36 times. The inflation around 2% which is optimistic if you do your own shopping in the stores, the cost doubles in 36 years. 3% makes it double in 24 years which is more accurate. So it will be 60 billion of cost and over 1,5 ca billion loss each year if Slovenia starts to make the Nuke Pplant tomorrow!

Yes, the West was made such as it is by energy. Not only any energy but by ENERGY DENSITY.
Slovenia and othe alpine regions know that they forgot to remember how the stuff went; The demographics slowly rose in last centuries and the woods were almost chopped all for the first energy density product- the CHARCOAL made from woods for homes, steam engines and mostly iron or any metal melting. The once wooden regions became slowly desert.
Butalci forgot what was the melting of metal for real – Oglarstvo na Slovenskem.
Fotunately the Coal energy density came in rescue of the chopoped alpine forests which left only bushes and erosion behind. Forests with the coal based economy grew back, and even more with the oil energy density. So, the energy density was on one hand saving the environment which was by energy density threatened by growing population and new land for crops, industry, roads and urbanization,which goes hand in hand with the contradiction of the debt driven economy growth.. But the debt driven profit seeking economy could not stop…. And the fumes and pollution and CO2 grew, too.
UNFORTUNATELY as the story goes with the new energy density the demographics, industry and the WHOLE DEBT DRIVEN ECONOMY GREW, AND GREW AND GREW. The OIL Came and THE HUMAN MONKEY GREW AND GREW AND GREW. The Nuclear came and the debt driven economy grew more. The fusion came , maybe, and the Planet was a cemented platform with some green houses for veggies .The story could not be stopped to the bitter end of humans exterminating all human and not human..
But the Global Warming came in between. The Planet started cooking , creaking, the deserts growing, the waters flooding or the drughts kicking, tornadoes churning, the population migrating…… and the Messiah was on every corner shouting bollocks and shooting around on anyone moving, in all languages, especially the biblical ones..

The consciousness of the sheep- an interesting site on energy and whatsmore…https://consciousnessofsheep.co.uk/
reccomended by Witchdoctor, as Wd always gives credit due , for good insights, but this here is a local tale, is it not?

The Israel Master Puppeteers


The only left are the children, the children and a minority of people defending their mental health against hordes, tribes of organized Theocratic, Messianic reactionary bigots from all walks of life including the current mainstreameconomists in form of gangs, sStates of all kinds ,driving Witchdoctor in self defense as the only way to keep his mental health against the new techno feudal barbars. The life on this planet is a continous self defense of Kantian reason and humility even when sending them to hell. Once upon the time the three kings were announced by the comet bringing the buona novella. Hopefully this time the comet will do the job by himself in the promised land, since all hope is lost. Ok, lets keep fingers crossed and Aliens will make a landing there.


Only a few days after the 7 October Witchdoctor wrote on this blog, go and find it, that the terrorist HMS attack was deliberately left to happen as the ISRL security of all tech,sensors, cameras, satellites and spies and infiltration tactics inside the HMS and comp was impossible to breach by HMS and so ISRL voluntarily, on purpose left things happen inside ISRL territory in order to retailiate , destroy and cleanse or genocide or remove the Caphtor- the Palestinians which have a Cretan origin lost in time (see Greek Reporter findings) Now, after all this developments, is easy to see the ISRL complete infiltration in HZBLH and HMAS ranks with real persons, the complete communication control and the feeding of the wrong data and fake strategy into this HMS and HZBLH, the real time control of persons and all connections , physical, technical etc inside HZBLH and even HMS is proven. ISRL knows almost all what is going on in this gangs, but this gangs do not know nothing what goes on in Mossad, since they hate to speak hebrew, as they look all alike, at least to Witchdoctor.. Even a jerk Ahmadinejad says that ISRL has infiltreated Iran securitty 10 years afo.
So the ISRL was and is a incredible Master Puppeteer with a PLAN. Courtesy of the West and the whole bunch of sunni States which stay on side and keep quiet and want to get rid of HZBLH and HMS and similar for their internal reasons.. The Tale written here is not dealing with the cheap rhetoric of the Kingdom of US and the rest of his West vassals who moan and groan like in a bad misery porn movie for the sake of some , lets call it human touch in order to fake some human emotion of humanity, while places go bust and people die.
So one may even think that when HZBLH was attacking ISRL it was given fake data and the attacks were known in advance and some very minor collateral on ISRL side was for the sake of reality show.
It was and is all a Fabricated Pretext of the triggering of the Plan. Certainly not all plans are waterproof, but the magnitude of control and infiltration by ISRL inside the opposed Theocracies is far major than we can even imagine.
To add some »cultural« flavor, the tool of »antisemitism« was the cherry on the cake of gaining the soft power, and so even WD may be culpable of this crime, but that is impossoble as WD is your preffered cabalist.

ISRL is still looking for his Mason – Dixon line of its promised land.
But even if it keeps down to ground the HZBLH and HMS, the new HZBLH or HMS with whatever name will grow in next 15 years. But this is a classic wait and see situation of the perpetration of ISRL theocratic regime gaining ground inside ISRLunder constant »external«pressure and this is the door for the Theocratic bigot take over of ISRL by the Smotani gangs and the messianic comeback of BIBI, the new ISRL King, after David first in the birth line of the prophets, same mirror image as NZRLLH was by courtesy of the grand,gran, grand, grand mothers declared the descendant from the famous one..
The 6 millions of Caphtor in his inner Mason- Dixon line will never see the two states solution. This bullshitting about the two states solution was another nowhere over the rainbow spin of the West Misery Porn moaning and groaning for stylistic sake. But the 6 million , 2 million more or less whic will be pushed out somewhere, will stay inside and apart from being slaves of the third order, no future in this Theocratic messianic bigot reactionary mayhem of both sides now together is possible for them. Democracy and equal rights, hehe? Another nowhere red line to cross everyday.
It is a really fine plan , with a lot of mass murder, or how to , first, 50 years ago promote HZBLH in Lebanon to make LBN a failed chaotic simil Sstate and then raze down the whole bunch of them. More on that colonial divide et impera tactics through decades practiced by the ISRL and with US help and complacency see Lorenzo Trombetta- Limes magazine- interviews .

Now thee plan which was a false flag operation from the beginning – 7 october- to cleanse the Mason Dixon promised land area includes also IRN. IRN where the majority of the Iranianas give a shit about the 20% of Ayatollah and Pasdaran and the whole mumbo theocratic jumbo of terror.

And Bibi is back to messianic ,as his pals WWWW BUSHand comp the second was, and wants to bring freedom in Iran, with a lot of bombs.They are all freedom fighters in foreign lands.
The tale is also that IRN has sacrificed HZBLH in order to catch a breath and quietly prepare the time for its perfect nuke with some rethoric in between. But ISRL messianics know all about the mirror messianic pals in IRN.

So, hope you got it: it was a staged thing with perfect execution squads., from the beginning. And ISRL Puppeteers, for stylistic international window dressing, needed a proper victim stance when the trigger shot attack massacre from HMS fired , to make the rhetoric bearable when ISRL started cleansing all around. The HMS and HZBLH were playing fake implanted cards and the the martyrdom theocracy was not enough against the tech. The Two theocracies clashing of messianic bigotry and the quest for the same land showed that progress – the winners- is made by better technology and this is a masss murder constant formula through whole human history.

The only left are the children, the children and a minority of people defending their mental health against hordes, tribes of organized Theocratic, Messianic reactionary bigots of all types.

Ps: the vowels are missing, Witchdoctor being your preffered cabalist

Not only the Earth is flat, so it is the Universe!

Flat Cosmogoners
You think this is a joke? No, according to a major number of Cosmogoners- the scientists working on the birth and shape of the Universe, the Universe is flat. They still strongly oppose the idea that Earth is flat but in meantime have made tons of calculations about the Universe flatness, not to mention the wages pensions and welfare and social standing attached to this hard work.
But this mini sequel of the previous two posts abot the Universe being a minestrone with the Witchdoctor hypothesis that Universe is Nothing- Nowhere- Anywhere in which the famous 4.9% of Visible and certain mass/energy is known to us and constitutes the peas, lentils and other soup ingredients, as it interacts and only what interacts can be known and measured, the rest is in the field of somewhere over the rainbow i.e-NOTHING.
The current cosmogonical illogical view of the scientific community on the Universe is pure Parmenides of the lousiest metaphysics possible..
Translated into Parmenides logic of the simplest kind:
Universe is, and what is not the Universe is not there or anywhere.Universe IS and what is not is not there or anywhere. So, Universe is full. 4.9% visible mass/energy and the rest is a »dark mass » and dark energy, WHICH NOBODY HAS SEEN TO INTERACT TO , but it Has to be there as the current math and stuff sourounding the science gives this equations. A sort of pure witchcraft in a chase for god know why this missing stuff which may be not missing at all because is not existent and is called darkie stuff.
So Universe has to be packed and full, and this not being enough, even Time is an optional as the pure state of the universe and QM stuff is out of time and even space…. Time is not the attribute of the Universe, there is none, it may be reverted , or whatever, Pure Parmenides and how this science has put in this full pack with no Time notion the notion of Change which was Aristoteles and Anaximander leading argument and in WD opinion the simplicistic reduction of Parmenides logic to a black block box which is definitely the current depiction of Cosmogoners science. Chucking in this monolith the Change which always goes hand in hand with time/ space is an unknown procedure to the mankind but it can be by some sophisms chucked into the black box of darkie /matter/energy. This gluing of change into a full box with no time is a contradiction in terms which is anyway the current human mindset on any subject and who cares.
IT IS FUN when the basic notions of philosophy logic are ditched with the help of high math fantasy.
But even this is not enough. The same math leads to a Flat Universe.
Now, there are Flat Earthers amongst us. And to be even more hilarious there are whole echelons of scientists whic claim that Universe is Flat.
How this flatness goes with the black holes and with Parmenides current full universe dominant theory, only they know? Witchdoctor doubts it, as the Anglosaxon attitude toward the boundary conditions- the methaphysics and philosophy or epistemology, gives a shit. They are much more practical, they compute and who cares abou this stuff. So, who in the end produces a whole pile of horrseshit of MUMBO JUMBO- the philosophy or these flat Cosmogoners? .
So, let repeat the nicer, cleaner and mor elegant ( for those who do not suffer from HORROR VACUI) cosmogony.: There is Nothing and there is Something- the 5%. This is the Universe »structure«
Without Nothing we would not be Something and this goes for all consrtructuion of reality which is the limit of knowledge in the last instance. It is Nothing that makes (Us) Something. Pure stupid logic of ultimate distinction of becoming .
Now lets have some real fun: If the something is 5% and the Universe of this Something is 14 billion years old, then in how many years the rest 95% will get full, considering that the Universe is selfproducing matter?
5% is inferred by a distribution math and since we are living in the past, all we see is mostly gone , and since this hypothesis takes into account that the visible something universe is selfproducing itself, than 20 (one twentieth – the 5% ) x 14 billion years the Something Universe will reach its fullnes (100%) as the last stage before imploding and maybe exploding or inflatiing for the next time= 280 billion years is the current time lapse for the Visible stuff to implode, again.
This calculation is not true only if the 5% of the visiblemass/energy is a fake number,that the Universe is not selfproducing in Spacetime , that this selfproduction ( the future) is a CONSTANT and then even Witchdoctor can not make such accurate prediction as above!
Now, which theory you prefer, or bombing Gaza and Lebanon and further is already your end goal?
Between Nothingness and Eternity- John Mc Laughlin

How Putin is Winning in the EU with the help of Heat Pumps

The history or the human trash history is many times made by Moronic twists and turns. For example, how the ugly, small, clownesque moustached monkey face called Hitler convinced the majority of the German population that he was a tall, blue eyed blond Arian and thus their true arian spirit and leader for the promised lebensraum?
We are in this moment in time witnessing the exact moronic moment of history turn.
It started with the heat pumps and Witchdoctor will enumerate similar moronic arguments for the rise of fascism.
What is a heat pump? It is a machine which produces out of 1kilowatt 3, 4, 5 (depending on the air, water, ground medium exchange of energy- the delta factor) kilowatts of output power in cooling or heating the house . So, by bying 1 euro of power one has 3 or 4 euros of output , which is very similar to the free lunch! Except for the initial cost of the heat pump.
The heat pumps, the electric cars, the European directive on insulation of building and their energy class standards, the green agriculture and the MIGRANTS are the points where EU apparently main rational arguments on green transition slided the EU into fascism because all this transition was a moronic , idiotic ruski 5 communist year plan which muddled, on who , when , why and how the huge cost will be paid and who will pay for it.

The already impoverished middle class and the pauperized pensioners and elderly class together with the younger generation of employees with lousy contracts and less and less social cover were persuaded that this heat pumps will be their financial ruin, together with the above green directives and that they are not willing and able to bear this cost of transition.

And here we come to the essential. Why this majority of citizens and they are majority but still voting also for similar reactionary mainstream parties, these Haters of the Heat Pumps, why they like so much Putin and the russian model of autocracy and fascism?* Why the hatred for the Heat Pumps and love and friendship for Putin go hand in hand?
It is really unbelievable.

But, it is energy and habits which die hard, STUPID!
The majority of the European self centered reactionary populace wants cheap energy and Putin has it. They, especially the East germans do not give a shit about western democracy or liberties, they want money and cheap energy and so they think they will save some peanuts for holidays and beers. You have never read the first post in this blog, almost 8 years ago.. The fall of the Berlin Wall was all about bananas, which were available only in the west.. The democracy was an optional trinket going far behind the bananas and similar consumer items and bananas made the Wall fall.
Already there are tons of Freudian effects working subconscouslyand a lot of grudges which made the inferioriy complex for the east germans and a superirity complex for the west germans as a polarizing cultural battleground of nonsense.
Now, all this IQ 66 people think that the good old times,the loving memories of mythical communist good times with the same mirror image of nazi times,as goes the same with Trump voters on other myths, all of them will come back great again and that Putin will, after he occupies Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and similar mouse droppings on the map about which- this micro states- nobody in east germany gives a shit about, that Putin will gladly as their father and friend start to sell again for cheap the energy and so Germany will be great again!
It does not even matter that for a heat pump heating or cooling a person or a family spends 1 euro and makes 4 euros out of it. The cost of this free lunch is too big, same goes for the cost of electric cars, green agriculture, bio food, insulation of buildings and change of all windows, migrants working for pittance and disturbinng the arian blondes….

The FASCIST AFD and similar FDP CDU, SPD, Greens , never explained to the people that THIS REAL COST is unbearable for the people and households and that THEY WILL SUBSIDIZE OR dilute ad infinitum, DILUTE AD INFINITUM by special grants this unbearable investments which the impoverished middle class can not and is not able and willing to pay for and they will have to sell their property or mortgage or GO DEEP IN DEBT for abiding by law to this green transition, WHICH IS, AS IT IS CONSTRUCTED, THE BIGGEST HOAX in history..

They could not do it. All of them are believers in the schwartze null, the no deficit and only surplus budget Cargo Cult. So, the mainstream tried to sell this green transition in a stealth mode, by mumbling jumbling about who pays the price and as nothing was and is cleaar except the new taxes in the EU, the people turned to their next of kin – Putin- and so the Heat Pumps made Putin a winner.
And the Fascist kept quiet and did not propose the subsidies and their friend Putin is not selling heat pumps but gas and oil. .

Now, Witchdoctor allows the possibility that there is the MONEY to subsidize for almost free all this spending and cost as the Italian tv show- Report- claimed few days ago.. THEN, why this was not explained by the people which sit in government , in the EU commission, etc, while they have all leverage to blabber every day in any media? Why they hid this money nobody has yet seen it?
Is this a plan to go fascist as the italian protofascist govt is and PROVOKE THE peoples anger by even hiding the money available in subsidizing this costs and turn this anger into a fascist rule.??

THERE ARE TWO STRANGE and inexplicable facts in this true sad moronic history in the making:

1 Why the fascist parties did not propose that the German or any other EU State, since they are all the same cargo cult, why they did not propose as a logical alternative a clear subsidy and grants with a road map to infinity or decades to come of paying this green stuff, heat pumps? Why they did not DEMAND that the green transition is paid and financed by the State, bonds, ECB, whatever it takes?
Because they believe in austerity and all of them,,left and right, believe in the household economics . It must be a genetic coding of the morons. It has to be a Cargo Cult of idiots and their followers. They still, as in Italy, do not know, do not want or are forbidden to understand that the Debt is exactly what they did not have paid in taxes or welfare cuts. SO, the Fascist EU govts and parties sell this auserity by the METHOD OF COOKING THE FROG. They slowly rise the temperature- cuttings slowly all public subsidies and welfare, health pensions and green investment – and so the moron Frog population does not notice that soon they will be cooked and DEAD. In the meantime this frogs believe every word the cargo cult says to them about their inevitable situation while cooking them by slowly rising the temperature.
2 Why the European Oligarchy NOMENKLATURE which knows all about it- the heat pumps- let them do it? Because they HAVE to believe in the austerity stealth mode of the automatic pilot of the Eu rule..
So, the first guilty party in this story is not the fascists on the rise. It is the EU MAINSTREAM POLITICS which is now making a EU commission which in fact is already not legitimated.
The moronic history moment might be planned to keep masses in constant distracion about futile motives which then lead to fascism as is the famous family values or any trash they want to enforce for the sake of essentially bullshit.
Or it might be completely moronic idiocy of stupid planning or both, it does not change a iota, since ALL OF THEM HAVE BEEN WARNED IN ADVANCE by many people who knew. So, to get fascism in the EU is not an act of GOD, as the peddlers of the media spin and so called accademics are figuring out that the causes of this phenomena are random and an act of God as the whole history is only a sort of casual chains . If this is so, that all history is a moronic randomized chain of coincidences then the human rat is somebody who has his brain on fire from the first inbred moment of his incestual origin and alas, we do not need to pay some wise crackers to explain to us that their brain is on fire from the Adam and Eve on.They did it on purpose and they know it..

To get more specific, lets make some school adding: 8-10.000 euros for a heat pump, 30.000 for an electric car, 12- 45.000 euros for insulating and new windows, depending if it is a flat or a house, plus costs of maintenace and we are in the range of around 100.0000 EUROS for a household for the green transition . This is the new DEBT the households can not even take on, as they are already indebted for the everyday life which their wages can not cover.
The current liberal and wise EU Oligarchy is giving max in some places 25% as a subsidy or a grant. . But there is still 75.000 euros left as debt to be repaid. So, logically, if this staggering amount of green transition has to be paid by the people, then who the fffffkkkkk thinks they will not turn to Putin or any jerk who promises free energy and a lot of family values as a bonus? Apart from ditching anyone in prison if your neighbor makes an anonimous call to the authorities with any type of misconduct of the family values and to get rid of you? Nazi and communist practice which , the communist values, Witchdoctor witnessed live, on himself. The famous ostracism as a way of life.
The impoverished and by social media made illiterate middle class which once was a backbone of the capitalyst system is exactly , now, repeating the Weimar moment of moronic fallacy. And the empty pockets speak louder than words.
If the Eu does not covers 80% of the costs of the green transition since they claim and it is true that this stuff is for the greater good and the people survival in the climate crash, then ,
as you have read here and nowhere else since the morons have no capability of any type of real analisis and they are prevented from thinking and reasoning by default of the incestuous origin and serfdom,

Putin won with the help of the heat pumps.
And it was planned or moronic or moronically planned on both sides.

The fascism was intentional because it does not tackles the real stuff.
Some “very wise” say ideas are the driving force of the morons and it is not money the driving force. OK. Then, no problem if you pay me the green transition and keep your ideas for you, so WD wil drive too in his new electric car withot even thinking.

Ps: to all so called progressive thinkers who give Putin some credit, Witchdoctor proposes that we have to organize a crowdfounding and pay them one way tickets , no return tickets, to Russistan. Maybe as a bonus a week of rent in some ruski suburbia , ruski style of the french banlieu… The survivers can publish, when they are exchanged for some russian criminals, their deep books on the fantastic life they witnessed. Preferably in some provinces with a two week bonus rent and definitely not in the Oligarchy resorts not even going there for a the apperitif- o- clock..

UNIVERSE IS A FINAL MINESTRONE and we know nothing at all, or… part2

Lets skate on the razor edge as usual. But this time I,Witchdoctor will not use only the ordinary Ockham razor edge for skating,but to use and swing a fine sharp Ockham razor machete for cutting the weed the Human Rat made grow too high , for his ego and his bullshit jobs. Yes we are talking epistemology, the philosophy of science and similar junk.

But, as a metaphor or a holy parable,, which Witchlady dug somewhere in her journeys, we will start with the Australian pelicans story.
The Australian Pelican is defined in this human junkyard called Wikipediaas an opportunistic animal. ????? Ok, Pelican also feeds on human rat junk, fishermen leftovers, human rat landfills of food junk, etc which the H. Rat is producing. But the definition is a fake. A Fake. The only opportunistic per definitionem animal is the one and only Human Rat.
The final proof is that the Australian Pelican is living in coastal and wetlands areas where the food is plenty and even more, if we add the junk leftovers the Human Rat leaves behind in this same areas. But he is definitely not opportunistic, this is slander and offence, insult and affront.etc. Mind your own business you human rat, when sticking notions..
The Australian pelican , when it wants to breed travels, for thousand kilometers in the Australia outback to the region which is completely arid for years and years. Instead of happily fu..ing and breeding in the paradise of the coastal regions where everything is plenty, it embarks on the long journey through the hell of a heat to lake Eyre. This “lake” is mostly a desert conch, which from time to time, . Like every 10 Years, fills with water and life.
The so called opportunistic Australian pelican embarks on this journey. Which is a final proof that pelican is not at all opportunistic, since this journey from a point of view of the human rat is pure madness.
Question 1; how Pelican knows that it will rain exactly at the time when he goes there and this rain will make the Lake Eyre the right environment for breeding?
Does Pelican has a subscription for meteo service of Australia, broadcasting that finally after 7, 8, 9 10 years the Lake is filled with water?? Mind, pelican is staying thousands of kilometers away from Lake Eyre, so, on which weather channel he is tuned to? Haha..
Question 2; there are only 2 breeding pelican sites in the whole Australia. Pelican has to go there if it wants to continue its species. Why?

Now, the only answer from the human rat viewpoint is that Habits Die Hard.
Pelican did this for millennia and they keep on doing it, which is another proof that they are not opportunistic. They might be suicidal when in climate disaster they stick to the old ways- patterns. This is the next proof they are not opportunistic at all. But the question of how they know it will rain there since the rain pattern for the lake Eyre is a worse guess than any Bayesian bullshit, and why exactly they go there is a mystery.

”Pelicans migrate to places like Lake Eyre in SA from as far away as Papua New Guinea! How they become aware of, and locate these breeding areas, is an enduring mystery. https://www.1770liquidadventures.com.au/post/a-wonderful-bird-is-the-pelican”

Now lets start using the Ockham machete with the Minestrone affair, after this appetizer!

Witchdoctor, as you may noticed, is a humble nobody, trying to please all of the Human rats, a phool or whatever you like, especially if you are in some conflict of interest about the arguments tackled here.
So please disregard this stupid epistemology. Longer you do it, sooner the story will end badly, but that is the whole point of the Human rat. Ok, the rhetoric figure could have been better, Wd is not Shakespeare, alas.

As stated by WD in part one of the final minestrone, the special relativity, and the general relativity, yes we are always speaking about the genius- A Einstein, is currently treated as the 5% of the whole Minestrone.
IN FACT, it is treated as the modification of newtonian system which fits better for local purposes and not as any general law governing the Minestrone/Universe. “Accidentaly” , yes. Since slowly GR it is being pushed in a corner of the Universe.
ALL this Because of a Phantom Dark Mass and Energy. Mind, the scientists for unknown reason call mass now as the matter in this theory , like, to cover the tracks and cut out and sidepushed the A. Einstein laws.

The Phantom Mass ,since nobody has seen yet the direct INTERACTION with the visible Einsteinian mas/energy but only some presumed inference or clues, the last clue has to do something with the radiation from the black holes by color of the quarks (cnn today), or baryons and anti or whatver anti somewher over the rainbow evidence of unknown origin function and behaviour…
The CURRENT state of affairs in the construction of reality of what Minestrone might be , has led to , quantum mechanics excluded in this here proof for now, to two completely opposed systems of laws which do not cook the minestrone by default and define in a unitarian sense… The complete aporia is taking hold. Or a contradiction in terms.
We are now having two sets of laws which are in complete contradiction, On top, the set of laws concerning, around and about dark matter and energy, is completely far fetched and at the moment is something between illusion and hypothesis. OK, gravity and the expansion of the universe constant or not or whatever is the sticking point between e=mc2 and the phantom darkers. But this is not a bridge or a patch to general relativity, it is a diverging point.
Dark mas is not sticking and gluing, not lumping together as the visible mass. Dark energy is transparent. The correlation between these darkers is unknown even if they have calculated it by some symmetry concepts of what is missing on one side and what on the other side of equation where the visible mass is a pure pretending of calculus..
Quanta magazine:”Dark energy is the name given to the accelerant. In the standard theoretical model of the cosmos, dark energy has a simple form: It is spread uniformly in space, maintaining a constant density at all times. Dark energy of this type, known as the cosmological constant, would not get diluted as the universe expands. Rather, as space grows, the amount of dark energy grows with it. And so this accumulating energy expands the universe with ever-increasing gusto. “
Well it is a soup. And yes it is a broth but very weak and transparent. And, it is a swampland as in Qmagazine they call the field of possibility of multiversum , and yes it is the accelerator, and yes it has nothing in common with the general relativity and yes is out of the standard model of physics.
Why not call it – the broth of the minestrone apart from this lentils, peas and brussels sprouts in form of stars planets galaxies, quinoa belts of asteroids- which are whirling around black holes which are a kind of vortices in the minestrone, call it Ether as it used to be once? Well, it is outdated but the science is circling exactly in the same circle, and the wording, phrasing, semantics seems the only thing which changes.
The difference between alchemy and witchcraft is that Witchdoctor knows which is one or the other.
The acceleratnt as a concept is fantastic, like, The Mover.
The Gluant is missing.
The Sticker is on my bumper.
The result is a Minestrone with opposed set of cooking recipes.

The accelerator is the dividing point of the two sets of laws since Einstein made a sort of deterministic block universe and his lambda came and went away since it did not really fit. And does not even today. . And that is the case when the theory falls into dualism, like now.
How the strong weak forces comply with this accelerator which is also a repulsive effect with the dark matter which on the other hand is keeping together the visible set of laws- the visible mass/energy and whos interaction is missing?

On this current level the Minestrone is getting non edible.

Witchdoctor has no problem if the universe is a story by Stanislaw Lem and the voyages of Ivan Tichy, like the 18th voyage as the proof. Or Professor Corcoran and his boxes in his cellar with simulated universe and people in them.

Because of the observations of some missing mass in some galaxies the dark matter came into play, until 20th August of 2024:Dr. Caro Derkenne – A galactic ‘conspiracy’ disproven: Dark matter and stars not interacting as previously thought, https://phys.org/news/2024-08-galactic-conspiracy-disproven-dark-stars.html.
Observations and experiments are good and confutations are even better.
The problem of this cold part of the Minestrone which grows out of itself- the broth- is really astounding. To call this inflating process the dark energy is inappropriate or better in WD style, stupid, until somebody measures the threshold energy of this inflation but there is Planck there, in the way.

The clue is the persistent inflation of the minestrone which is made of? THE Nothing is growing, hahaha, that is the clue. Hahaha. Why Witchdoctor is laughing? Because, Nothing that is growing is the best conclusion,and this is completely out of the human reach of understanding, and is currently called absurdity, but not for WD! So, unconsciously we have to give a value to this nothing and call it energy even if we can not detect , measure the value of this energy instead of thinking how the hell Nothing can grow and in what sense it is defined or confined as nothing…

There/here everywhere is NOTHING. NOTHING equals EVERYWHERE which equals Nowhere. Minestrone default state is Nothing except for anything. Anything, the plural of something is what interacts and can be observed. Stuff and things. It falls into the e=mc2 and all Albert Einstein paraphernalia. All the rest is Nothing EverywhereNowhere. The mass by momentum and special relativity consequences in the spacetime is not attracted by Nothing but it is a sort of “accelerated” by its own laws of mass/energy into freefall, which is the “fall “ in all directions.
Block Universe? Ditched. Deterministic Universe? Ditched , Indeterministic Universe = Ditched. Cut the crap. NothingEverywhere/Nowhere has none of this connotations or functions or whatever.
Expansion? Ditched. Nothing is nothing and even the concept of infinite has nothing to do with nothing.
No wonder that A. Enstein ditched the Minestrone constant- lambda. It was completely redundant and misguiding when one talks about Nothing. It is an effect of the “fall into nothing” with variable speed depending on the angle of observer in the special relativity with speed gain mass angle. It is corelated with something. Nothing is not something.
All other- something- the stuff- abides to the laws of matter.
The visible mass/energy is “falling” into Nothing /Everywhere/Nowhere. There is no up and down so the mass energy and all lentils, peas , brussels sprouts clump whirl into nowhere nothing. The mass energy speed is observed and related to the angle of special relativity of speed/mass consequences. observer- classic special relativity.
Imagine a roller coaster. It started after the Inflaton inflated the me and you and all the mass /energy started to dip from the steamroller top “down” or up or anywhere. Into out to nothing. For the moment WD will not go into the specifics of the up and down effects of the stuff “falling” on the rollercoaster. It is irrelevant, a minor issue, for this Cosmology /Metaphysics of the basic structure of THE Minestrone.
Now, Nothing has no inherent structure as Inflation and Inflaton did have. The only possible side effect is that the same mechanism which was responsible for the Inflation is happening on some unknown scale, mostly minor? even after the first Inflation, somewhere. But it has nothing in common with Nothing which is already a product of inflation.…
How the lentils and peas do not disagregate quick into Nothing? First, what is “quick” in this timescale? Clumping and all mass/energy is a mighty force. Second, gravity has a sticking threshold. And last but not least the Black hole sitting in each galaxy cluster is a mighty attractor…
If we add or by some urge of unknown origin want to conclude that Nothing has some unknown structure even sooooo tiny and soooo very low energy distribution, we are back in this dualism of two contradiction in terms two sets of laws….

The Minestrone problem can not be solved by two sets of laws which contradict each other. Or we are going to compartmentalize – divide into discrete sections or categories the Minestrone and good by and good night*?.

Basically as a model of thought and construction of reality we are in Baruch Spinoza model of Minestrone without mentioning God as the inherent immanent mover equal to the minestrone itself which Spinoza did.. The Minestrone is its own cause and effect – Natura Naturata and Natura Naturans. No wonder the jews and christians wanted to get rid of him since the concept of God in his philosophy was completely REDUNDANT.
Current scientific fundamentals are there today, in Baruch Spinoza, even more within the QM. Ok, we can take a lot of oriental philosophy in the boat, too, Nagarjuna docet….
But with the dark matter and dark energy separated set of laws we are sliding back to Descartes dualism.

BUT what Stanislaw Lem (Lem as Lunar Energy Modul ) thinks about the Universe?

Witchdoctor has two editions of S. LEM memoirs of a space traveler-Ion Tichy which is a translation in english – the Silent Ion…The english one. MIT press 2020 copyright 1971 and the Slovenian one- Tehniška založba Slovenije- 1979!!!! Copyright 1971 Hahaha. How many Nobel prize accadmics have read Lem and then turned their youth reads into accademia? Let them ask….
1. In the 18th voyage of Ion Tichy, Lem makes a stunning story of how Tichy invented again, with some buggers who in the process perverted his original idea and fixes of the existing Universe, and stabilized the Universe. 1971.


“For the Iniverse exists on credit. It represents withnits constellations and galaxies a monstruopus DEBT (WD captions), a pawn ticket, as it were, a promissory note that must ultimately be paid. The Universe is an illegal loan of matter and energy: its apparent “asset” is actually a “liability”. Since the Universe is ans Unlawful Anomaly, it will, one fine day, burst like a bubble. It will fall back into Nonexistence from where it sprang. The moment will be a return tot the natural Order of Things”
Folks, it was 1971 and before the whole time of the perverted monkey History Stanislaw Lem made a description of the Universe in true equation and physical terms, BUT NOT ONLY THAT , he DESCRIBED THE UNVIVERSE AS the MODERN BANKING works! Year 1971 was the end of Bretton Woods monetary system!!! That is real insight and prophecy.
Lem understood the money creation out of thin air! And he saw the parallel between banking and of the coming of the Universe into existence. If this is true, we must never pay back the loan the free lunch the Universe offered us for at least until now..
He even predicted how bubbles burst in the modern economy.

Now, if the Universe is a BANK and the humans unconsciously mimick this working by making the same type of banking on Earth, we are fu.ked up. One day it will burst for good.

Coming next: tensor, scalar – black hole, and Quantum web spread. Maybe.

this text was assembled in Witchdoctors head and on paper in last past ten days, lazily between cooking tomato salsa from own tomatoes and similar more important tasks than looking for the dark matter and phantom darkers of lost energy.. Some things happened with a speedy speed in the meantime; dark matter seems to be finally ditched. And the same is coming for the dark energy, maybe.https://www.newscientist.com/article/2445058-another-blow-for-dark-matter-as-biggest-hunt-yet-finds-nothing/
Witchdoctor casually noticed that someone plundered his hypothesis from years ago in the posts do not panic aliens know all about you on QM communication. Thanks a lot, you, whatevr keep plundering.
My tomato salsa, one of the best in the Med, is out of your reach.
And shadow banning of WD will do you good in the coming disaster, that is definitely the solution.

Living in the past

BAYESIAN CONNECTION and the destiny ship

dear reader, never call and give a name to a cat or a dog “Bayesian”
Never embark on vessel or any type of transport called “Bayesian”.
The most interesting thing and this is meant for real, is that the Yacht with this people which sunk in Sicily was named “Bayesian” which is a statement of the business which made this people what they are and that NOT ONE article in the press made the connection why this boat has this statement written on it.

“Karl Popper and David Miller [1983] have argued that there is no such thing as
probabilistic inductive support, as conceived of, for example, in the Bayesian
theory of evidence. A little more specifically, they argue that ‘all probabilistic
support is purely deductive’”
Well, as you know the famous boat “ Bayesian”, worth mega millions made possibly by “ Bayesian” methods of collecting data, making spreadsheets who is who out of the “Bayesian” inferences , spyware, surveillance based on this “inductivistic probability” which means at the end if one has a certain type of face and beard with a particular name attached, like Bin and god forbid if one mentions bienmesabe which is also dangerous,,and if this particular person is moving in an area of “interest” without even knowing this inductivistic places of interest, , by inductivistic method he may end in Guantanamo with great probability! Inductivistically speaking, the orange prisoner robe he will wear there in Guantanamo, is inductivistically- beforehand- proved by his moving and even maybe pronouncing a magic word- bienmesabe, which is a famous “Bayesian” ex post proof of evidence!. Folks , this is not made up, this is exactly how Bayesian works , in famous two levels of proof…

The people , , on the vessel “Bayesian” , were mostly all involved in making “Bayesian” money out of this indictivistic software, markets, bets, gambling, spying, or maybe “bayesianically” not?Haha.

To cut this short, the argument of how to make money in a neoliberal system out of big data, surveillance spyware and all “Bayesian” ramifications of inductivistic many unknowns probabilistic situations by big data analysis, with “bayesian” connections to MI5, 6, 7, GCHQ, YHWH, Moses friends, The whole Gotha of the UK whatever it takes class, Cia, Data Companies, surveillance or statistic analysis of anything , The WHOLE BAYESIAN model fell short on the yacht which drowned somewhere Sicily. The drowning of the vessel named “Bayesian” is the proof that “ Bayesian” model of probability is BOLLOCKS,when the real stuff kicks in. The inductivist method failed , not on the rigged “Bayesian” markets and big data casinos junkyards where the Morgan Stanley and this Englishman from Oxford made their profits, which ballooned so big that they needed to testify and be prosecuted in court for penal offense of ballooning the books, seling to HP the holy grail of bollocks.
A little bit of bad weather and the Whirlwind , a very small cone of circular vaccum cleaner like a small tornado which was even higly probable to form even without the “Bayesian” calculus, sunk the mega million boat. In the whole “bayesian” model of the life they had and lived which the owners and the friends cherished so much, the Real Thing happened .
The “Bayesian” named yacht, the concept , the money out from Bayesian , the whole math backing “Bayesian” the “Bayesian” model of whatever the human monkey thinks how things work in the Universe/Minestrone, sunk in 16 minutes.

Ok, you say Witchdoctor is a Phool, like the inhabitants of the 24th voyage of Ivan Tychy.
It was all a coincidence ???, his pal was run over when jogging by a hit and run driver nowhere seen in the UK a day before, he was with his main, his defense witness, bunch of lawyers with many Western battles behind them from 9.11 on on the same boat drinking champagne, the captain and the crew run away instead of leaving the vessel for last, the doors and vents were left open and the storm water was pouring in, the boat was drifting for 16 minutes, the Windy app WDS knows well for hiking, was showing the storm and the whirlwing chance as the witness there stated, the boat was unsinkable (as titanic was) so the constructor of the vessel said, and the whole ramification of coincidences, like the field of the “bayesian” method involving secret services, big data big companies follow the money suits for billions here and there, AND THE WHOLE INDUCTIVISTIC KNOWLEDGE ON WHICH BAYESIAN IS BASED ON ,,, SUNK. The people there on the vessel even knew the Bayesian method. And they should have known better?
In fact “Bayesian” and inference is like in previous post when your mother leaves her bag in the kitchen and you presume she is home. The only true fact in this story is that the bag is in the kitchen and that “Bayesian” has sunk. All other is bollocks we will never find out as the whole movie set is a Bayesian stage with bunch of pals.
Who knows all about his “Bayesian” Connection? Well that is simple, the “Bayesian” Connection is well known to the members of Bayesian connection themselves. And this knowledge is not Bayesian probabilistic statistic but a hard proof of connections between themselves.

The movie out of this Bayesian script, sadly John le Carre’ left us, has to be played by a famous actor, as Witchlady is demanding – Jean DuJardin.
Something of Peter Sellers mix between Chauncey Gardner and Inspector Clouseau. Jean DuJardin has to have a role, a big one in this Bayesian connection, if not, without him the whole plot will look completely unlikely.

Conclusion: Do not call your cat Bayesian.

PS; this text is, strangely enough, a Prologue for the Universe is a Minestrone part two. Quantum and Bayesian are sort of bastard brothers, Bayesian being a state of knowledge ( inductivistic my ass sort of mishmash) as we have seen above in this Guantanamo case study, hahaha, and the soup is cooking… in part two, which, by the way, is focused on another, much bigger topic of the “accidental” failure of the standard model of physics made by the hand of today physics and it it is not even theorized or postulated or computed!
By Witchdoctor


Dear readers of the Galactic Time Traveler Magazine. The last number is finally back and out and you will not even notice it because all this already happened in next few years depending on which timeline are you in..
In the meantime the text by ours senior editor Witchdoctor about Universe being a Minestrone was burned down on all accademia grounds on the planet, maybe Bhutan has not yet done it, as thousands of this poor people had lost science grants, mostly from Vanguard, State Street, Black Rock and faculties had lost money since the bullshit jobs and research could not find anyone anymore interested to throw some bucks to the thirsty accademics.

This edition extraordinaire, a special treat for our unaware subscribers
is bringing you the latest results of the upcoming Kingdom of USA elections.
Our envoyees say the picture they got from time traveling there was a little hazy since very strange things happened before and after the ballot..

Kamala ticket seems to have won , but she is not in charge since she was substited by a Clone made by these so called Donors which paid her. She, in the last moments of the campaign made a terrible slip by announcing she would withdraw ALL US government support to the derivatives market, which is now in high tens of trillions of dollars. So all US laws on credit defaults, futures and similar bets were wiped out and the code of law changed , so that this bets would have been and are a completely private matter and all investors in this trillions of casino gambling covered by the State protection and by the FED are not covered any more by the State or any code of law ecept the law and regulations on betting on dogs. Only if the betting is made on dog tracks course the bets are legal but have no effect on the State finances or working..
The Clone made by his digital donors now acts as a chief in charge on behalf of the Vanguard, State Street and Black Rock. The haziness is because nobody knows on what grounds the derivative market works currently but the stock index is getting higher and higher…
Finally the AI stocks start to give a return since everything is getting cloned, including the voters.
Donald Trump ticket seems to have won, but he is not in charge. He, in the last moment of the campaign, made a terrible slip by announcing he will close the FED, as his friend Vance and the true free fighters of the tru free markets convinced him. The banks started to charge interest on loans as they pleased, the lending amounts started to be by law not anymore required in the balance books, the bank runs went for weeks and months, the real and not only digital robbers started to rob banks, each bank started to issue their own bank notes, like True Dollar, God dollar, Dollar of God, even the marijuana industry started to issue the true hemp dollar, Holy Mary and Jane Dollar, Smoke your Dollar, and so on..
In the meantime the Vanguard, State Street, Black Rock finally issued the real dollar: THE IOYN. The “ I owe You NOTHING”. It was a liberal move since it was in paper and mostly in the digital currency form. They even established the new private bank instead of the FED: MYBANK and Not YOURS INC. The congress is waiting for donations to be high enough to vote the MYBANKand Not Yours INC as the new private bank of settlements even for intergalactic exchange on which the Galactic Time Traveler magazine is doubtful, the editors are laughing all day.. But Elon Musk said he found investors from out of space.

Our envoyees suddenly lost trace of Donald Trump whereabouts. The factory which was exclusively producing Trump HAIR DYE went bankrupt! Suddenly a huge number , going in miillions, of the simil Donald Trumps invaded the USA , maybe from Apalachies or Russia or China, but the hue of the hairdye was somewhat not right since the exclusive recipe of the Trump hair dye went lost in bankruptcy files and so Donald Trump went missing , nobody could identify him anymore, and many say there was even before an impostor sitting in Mar Del Lago or whatever what is the name of his residency.
So, this extraordinary events are the new normal.

The Galactic Time Traveler magazine will keep you posted on future developments, IF THERE WILL BE ANY FUTURE, as the only reliable source on the planet.
Witchdoctor was begging the editorial board to publish this video by Sabine Hossenfelder which you definitely know who she is…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKiBlGDfRU8
and , due to his , Witchdoctor outstanding service for the GTTM and his old age, we have to do it hey hi WD!

Final: Universe is a Minestrone!

Now now, easy… Sounds harsh, yes, but what else it is, the Universe?
By the way, for loving anglosphere cookers, this is another concept that english language is missing. Strangely enough, the thick soup where you put anything on hand, semantically so close to physics, is missing in the Mothers Of Invention- the english and the US populace could not reach this inventive heights of cooking, by no means. The Germans, with the Grose Suppe, or gemuse suppe are pitiful but near. So, as you well know, except if you are a hardline Calvinist, bad cooking leads to bad life and after decades of this practice to the Brain Dead West syndrome , so nicely seen in this porridge riots the english whites are drowning in right now. Never understood the Minestrone Concept, did they? Like a soup with many ingredients. They are stuck on mash potatoes IQ 66 and bashing and mashing is the only practice they understand.
Even not even the curry on Fridays as the white nutter in the Slow Horses tv series s1e6?

Before entering the cooking i.e. constructing reality, lets throw a glance at the side effect of the Minestrone- the Time.
Infra red;
If one is curious and studying the concepts which seem always hazy for some gut feeling of non complete axioms , far fetched, or open to too much interpretation so that one is lost, or, like, wtf this professor is talking about or, does he even understands the subject or is just another learned by heart monkey? Especially when one studies the subjects to understand them, confute or whatever and not just to make a career in another Bullshit Job, which is the majority case. The question is hard, and it may lead to a extreme conclusion that we are all Incommunicado, which means that at the end even with the same semantics nobody understands the each Other, not even if they play a dialog of understanding.
So Wittgenstein was wrong here, the language is the limit of the universe for sure, but one and each is its own universe and is in the last instance incommunicado- not intelligible and misunderstood by default.

Except when Withcdoctor starts from the boundary conditions and hammers on the words and intersections between. Hey!

There is this really fantastic book by Paolo Tarroni- Filosofie del tempo- Philosophies of Time, 2012. Not translated , just like Minestrone. It is a Brick of 711 pages (note the magic number), and it is comprehensive of all philosophy or epistemology or science until today of the concept of TIME. Since the book, and there is nothing comparable in English, is not translated, we are here incommunicado again. Not even able to be misunderstand each other..
The book, yeah, what amount of TIME it took Paolo Tarroni to to write it? Especially such a fantastic feat? WD thinks this is 6 to 10 years of work. SO, time is work and this is an entropic concept.
After reading, not all but a lot of this brick book, one comes to the conclusion. It seems that all authors, scientists, philosophers talk and think about the same thing- TIME- but that is a completely wrong impression. The structure of thought about this and other subjects is to the best explained by a prism, the light hits the prism and the result is a diapason of any sort of rainbow colored wavelengths coming out, which are only seemingly under the same concept of time. In fact, the word is the same, but the thoughts, conclusions , Analysis are crawling in all directions.
At the end nobody seems to talk about the same thing- the time.
Even if we assume that time as anthropic /entropic concept is defined by “happening” we must define what “happening” is. If you know the dialectical skills of Witchdoctor this definition is another tautology devoid of a quintessence. Happening like moving? And in between? Decaying? From where except the atomic clock which is not time per se but a “change” in mass and release of energy? Which keeps, what?, decaying and decaying is the time? OK, so when a person starts decaying in his homeostasis, this will be a measure of time? But this time – universal time- has a lot of different “times” which move, decay, loose some properties and new properties form in this “time” and there is no unified measurement to call standard time of when you lost your erection.

So, at the end Witchdoctor came to this route 66 genial conclusion: the best explanation of TIME is the Steve Miller song: Time keeps slipping, slipping into the future!
So, Time is something which KEEPS. Keeps what? SLIPPING. Slipping. Where it slips? Into the Future, which is definitely an utopic non lieu non place somewhere to come!
The Steve Miller Band line of the song is utterly fantastic, something ticktocks, while slipping, getting out of hand into nowhere… In fact one can conclude that Time is utter bollocks of a non defined concept or notion and even that is true, this bollocks, it ticktocks and slips somewhere ahead, it whereabouts unknown.

By this is the NECESSARY construction of reality which divides moments in some SLIPPERY ORDER so one is not constantly confused as this neonaziS are.
The line between mirage, delusion, illusion which in slovenian is blodnja which is something like going astray which is more defined, Versus (in opposition to) the concept of Construction of Reality, which is a historical fact of human thought and practice moving in time, is very thin as history trash of humans brains on fire- see the middle east today, proves. So, delusion, illusion is a twin of the construction of reality and the boundary check is observation or experiment through time which proves what is what and what looks more solid.
We are coming to the construction of reality, which, as arbitrary as it can go, has inner and outer boundary limits. It is not completely far fetched at all. It works, it hurts, it kicks.. It is not the messianic thing, it is the best explanation which is far more better than any messianic thing is. It is limited by language, by IQ66, and by the senses of which mind is only one of them. That is the boundary. Slipping slippery but there it is and it is a delusion to ignore it.


First, the methodology; Universe is exactly the same self centered notion as is the Anthropocene. In fact, as WD will try to explain later, anthropocentric is only a self deluded concept of the Perverted Monkey. In fact, by pure chance of almost unbelievable connection of effects to occur in a place called Earth for life forming which is the metaphor for the Bioreactor or the other way around, anthropocentric is a concept of how to make artificial meat – hamburgers in a big tank with a starter kit. Anthropocene has no other meaning than how to ruin a galactic destination – the Earth- with the theological means of : God told the humans the place is theirs to rule everything and do whatever they like and proliferate like rabbits- the result is Anthropocene- the disaster..

So in this text the Universe will be changed as a notion- the MINESTRONE instead is the good choice..
Both reasons of semantics- anthropocentric and minestrone obey the strict rules of the Construction of Reality. The Construction of reality obeys laws but it is not the REALITY, which can not be achieved,Godel docet, and this text is to prove it by analyzing the construction of reality in science – The Minestrone.
Minestrone is a soup in which there are things in it: like: small quinoa seeds, green peas, brussels sprouts, some, in this bad cooking case, overcooked filaments like tiny spaghetti. You may call them whatever, planets stars suns, brussels sprouts mass filaments ….
OK, LETS CALL THIS things floating in the soup THE MASS.
The visible mass apart from pure far fetched missing ingredient dark mass/energy at this moment of cooking of the Minestrone is only 5%!
Or, some say like 6 atoms of hydrogen in a m3.

Philosophically speaking, in an infinite Minestrone to calculate mass is only an inferred data; To infer is to make a well informed guess — if you see your mom’s bag on the table, you might infer that she’s home.
But even that is not the point.

The real point of this Minestrone is that the whole standard, or restricted or special model applies only to 5%!. The famous formula e= mc2 is a restricted phenomena to mass/energy. All other is, “something” or maybe not…
The situation gets even worse in this Minestrone which is the construction of reality: light is only an energy from some decaying mass, something, a pea or a brussels sprout is loosing mass for whatever reason and light is the energy of lost mass somewhere sometime. We are looking the WITH help of lost mass, called light.
The conclusion is: we see only what the trash – the mass makes us to see. All other is lost to us.
In fact by sticking, gluing and all other effects the Minestrone for us is only this peas and other things boiling in the soup, the anything connected to mass/energy. The Mass/Energy in the Minestrone is mostly this trash ( planets, stars, asteroids, quinoa, brussels sprouts, hot balls of fire) circling around a black hole waiting to be chewed out or into somewhere we have no clue where.
And wow, the cooking is really bad! The minestrone with such a small mass of ingredients is really weak and very thin! It is a prisoners , gulag soup containing almost nothing, the foul broth! And, to get even worse. It is expanding! The “almost nothing” is expanding and the green peas are further and further apart!
Conclusion, intermediate: The Einstein formula is only the place where we live in and is barely 5%. !!!! All other is…. Bah. So, the whole Minestrone compared to e=mc2 which, like the Anthropocene is a self centered delusion, is completely unintelligble, give or take.
Witchdoctor has to mention this: any equation with time included is always entropic. On this maybe later or who knows where the time goes.. So, we are in the entropic current of something 5% which is decaying into whatever around the popping of the all types of black holes inside a minestrone of almost nothing in it which is expanding , hm, another philosophic laugh, expanding where? The solution of expansion is of a unfolding enfolding construction of spaces, spacetimes or any sci fi you may invent…
Before we enter in other Minestrone angles which the Perverted Monkey forgot about,
lets see this : when , the stuff , from almost nothing, which is a Witchdoctor preferred theory- The Inflaton Moment- the minestrone starts to make things by a glitch in ”frequency” tensor , things like peas , hot oranges, balls or bollocks, the trash made in which we abide and is our abode as we see from the lost mass light effects living in the past, the divide happens: the things “made” by itself, haha, you know e=mc2, are the entropic result for certain .
In fact the thin broth can be a quantum phenomena, the things glued with all gravity lensing energy and the whole disco music time efects and lightning are the Trash result of the Minestrone.This e=mc2 is a tiny minuscle part and our construction of reality, with the light as a culprit of ontological definition makes us see- nothing, except to be blinded by the light..
See, it is other way around- we are the result of the trash, the Minestrone junkyard of the 5%! Normally we see it as the utmost beauty, this trash of glued mass stars , light , lensings and curvatures and the Photoshopers ( as a Photoshop software or anything similar which produces this images ) employed at NASA painting with this color effects the James Webb pictures ( yes lightshow effects) are making this galaxies look unbelivable and in such colors that these people are all time on some magic mushroom food, which is a part of a Bioreactor we are in.
To be more Anthropocentric, as Witchdoctor likes, the Universe is producing trash- MATTER, MASS ENRGY which it needs to flush to keep healthy, like WD does in a toilet, through the black hole!
Since we the jerks- humans need some who done it explanation, the Starter Kit comes in handy: the Big Bang theory is starter kit of the human construction of reality. For example. Or how the life evolved with some starter kit. Yes, like the starter kit for making artificial meat in a Bioreactor- the Earth example on a bigger entropic scale. Or
this is the newest hypothesis- The Warsaw Connection: some girls and boys in Warsaw are currently trying to connect how the Higgs gets the capability of making mass and hop, the Tachyon comes in as a Starter Kit. With a glitch; it is faster than light and we are opening the pandora box of QM.
Because, dear readers, if not, then mass is made and produced out of the Quantum Mechanics , which Roger Penrose made clear, and makes a divide between the macro and micro. The trash has no signs of QM laws. Minestrone self cooked and made by itself. Which is a very weak philosophical conundrum,antinomy aporia– Strangely, again and again the english language is missing the crucial word in their own syntax- APORIA: an irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction in a text, argument, or theory.

The QM could be in this case the normal state of the Minestrone and the Mass a sort of exception and the link between is unclear, apart from the helium hydrogen starter kit theory which also needs a starter kit theory and so on and on… and the higgs and the tachyon and…
The zero temperature Minestrone (Universe) makes things look even wierder.
But, since we are living in the past, through the light in our eyes which is the result of some trash which exploded …
to be continued, as Witchdocto lost himself in the trash and forgot what this trash theory was all about.
Well, apart that the e=mc2 explains very little , if anything at all which is big enough to get to 95%. Unfortunately.

CONCLUSION; we are looking through a lens of a 5% angle to something we can not see.
The Minestrone for us is a tiny bit of 5% of the standard model of physics. 95% is missing and we are blinded by the light which allows us to see and on the other hand blinds us for the 95%!.

If we take into consideration the dark matter and dark energy, the first postulate is, does this thing interacts with the e=mc2? The current proof is an indirect and very convoluted proof and for WD not a proof at all, regarding the cosmic constant of expansion of the Minestrone, which is not a constant and so something is wrong, but, hey, on which side of the equation of our construction of reality?
In order to keep the current Minestrone Model, and by the strange nature of science who wants to make balance- symmetry – safe for the sake of equations- we are entering the really bad cooking of the Minestrone.
So they shoot numbers to fulfill the both sides. On top, if the zero energy universe is a fact, what is this huge amount of dark energy doing in the minestrone?
And the first and not the last: why the dark mass is not clumping, gluing and sticking and there are no dark peas, dark lentils and dark oranges around. Translated into stars and similar? And what about the mass decay- the light? Is there a dark light somewhere??
And how this visible light propagates if there is so much dark mass and dark energy , which is strangely so evenly distributed to break completely the standard model, dark mas/energy which must be; not clumping at all and definitely transparent? Mind the semantics the scientists and media use- they do not call this dark stuff mass, as this will expose the theological construction, they call it matter which is the same stuff but the mumbojumbo looks more real if called matter. What is the matter with you?
And the gravity, where do we put it? And how is the gravity of the dark mass if the stuff does not clump, no dark oranges and peas that we call stars and planets and suns and etc?
Witchdoctor hypothesis of the Minestrone being a giant black hole with the visible 5% mass/energy floating towards the event horizon to be flushed in some eons of time is more plausible than this concoction of the official minestrone.
If we transfer the vacuum concept to the dark energy one, we are joking with words. Why do not call it a vacuum and get over with it? Casimir effect is proven, something can come from “almost nothing” and do not mess your neoliberal there is no free lunch stupidity with the MINESTRONE.
To be continued
By Witchdoctor

Shameful Plutocracies of the Old Continent

Witchdoctor is preparing a text ; Universe is a Minestrone, which takes a complete different angle on this topic, downgrading the current scientific bragging of construction of reality and construction of meaning regarding the minestrone- the universe. It is not a joke, or as any dialectic tells, it is a cosmic joke.

In the meantime, some facts arose which WD feels a bowel urge to dispose of.
The question of the bigger and smaller Evil is the topic.
In the democracy at peril in which some live and others dream to live in,
the choices under the Plutocratic western hat are limited and this is only because the forces of victory never come through for objective and mostly subjective reasons of cowardliness and incompetence, ignorance or sycophancy, the choices are slim.
Not even classic Keynes or even any Modern Money Theory arguments can win as the recipients of the message of liberation from this fu. eD up debt Oligarchy rule are , or bought by them, or “coglioni” – jerks and cowards where there is no need to be a coward since the system is not even expecting this to be such a threat as it can live alongside it. Dumb asses. So, the choice is limited, and the Oligarchy plays the game by giving options which can be only real shit or at least something bearable. THE USA docet.

The current, in this analysis Oligarchic, The City, Rochils, Renters; bankers, landlords , WARNING, ADVICE AND THREAT channeled through the extreme right racist groups riots and violence as a first warning and the undisclosed public red line WHICH THE UK LABOR STARMER GOVERNMENT CAN NOT cross.
The current rioting fascist “organizers” and figures exposed as the organizers of this threat are the obvious disposable culprits. The stake is what the Labour Government can do and MUST DO and the LIMITS of spending and debt which the UK Oligarchy- the City and Comp can stand and allow.
It is warning on behalf of the Powers to be, of how to behave and as a consequence, do nothing for real. The Badly needed reforms are so huge that the Makers, masters, are putting a red line , since this will destabilize the so well oiled vacuum cleaner in place.
The BRITISH- the debased, analphabet, poor, destitute LUMPENPROLETARIAT, Instead to turning on the obvious Makers of their destitute condition- the City, The Renters, The bankers, The Corporate shitters, the whole RULING CLASS Aristocracy which is fu.. ing them from the middle ages on and has trained them to be destitute rabid dogs for disposal of the ex empire, is by the farce of the history twist using them – this British racist Lumpneproletariat- as weapons on a wrong target, which is the exact false flag they need.. The Lumpen british sods , instead on turning AGAINST THEIR MASTERS, as the real CAUSE of their destitute social, educational, living, health conditions , jobless because of the UK Oligarchy economy rule, turn against, not the King and Country, but against some sods which live in the same shit as they do, but occasionally believe in a some other One Gods or whatever…
But the warning by the UK Plutocracy or at least of the big chunk of it is a warning for the labor government on which famous red lines are not to be crossed: MMT approach to financing the job guarantee, free education, housing health and good life for all this rising numbers of lumpenproletariat.

Funny, WD was in these days looking Slow Horses Brit tv series. Advice: the Series 1 episode 6 fits well… and is a real false flag splatter of idiocy.

If one moves a little bit south in the heart of the shameful European plutocracy, the Eurozone, to be confused with he twilightzone , the current democratic candidate of Kamala for vicepresident, instead of looking as a human midle of the road corporate backer,which he is, looks like a dangerous leftie! TIM WALZ in the EU is too progressive!

Regardless of anything, free breakfast, lunch, social credit for going to university, free mind your business who you are , live and let live, free abortion or pills, and last but not the least free marijuana. Tim Walz beats Slovenia 5 to 0, Italy 10 to 0 and so on, except for some like Spain still bright spots . But not even free breakfast and lunch in schools, no non ononon, this is dangerous communism that the Eurotwilight zone CAN NOT AFFORD.
The shamful left political spectre in the many EU countries is not able to do and implement even this few things Walz did already and they still debate about marijuana, ( thank god Germans regulated and liberalized it, if not the EU will be sliding in the middle ages on any front).
At the moment even the classic non psychotropic Hemp is being Prohibited in Italy! No CBD as a complementary cure, no cbd oil , no cosmetics, bicuits, teas or whatever even if the hemp plant has no thc!
Not to mention the free breakfast and lunch! But the shameful plutocracy in the EU and the sycophant left like to discuss the US Plutocracy and always call the “Capital” the biggest culprit of their woes! In fact, this sounds so stupid that they try very hard to never win.
This syndrome for finding a culprit in the Plutocratic Capital is the same as it goes within the arab countries, where all woes, problems and lacks of rights are always blamed on the US plutocracy and never on their own rulers. So dumbasses like to discus world domination and never look at their rulers which are provinical sods, conservative by their own choice and backward rednecks on their own right.

In Fact the two things which happened- Tim Walz and the even more extraordinary one- The new interim chief of Govt in BANGLADESH is Mohammad Yunus, are completely out of reach of the IQ 66 European political class especially on the left side!
To even imagine Mohammad Yunus, Nobel prize and inventor of the Grameen BANK, being anything in the EU politics is unimaginable!

And this is the proof of the shameful dumbass plutocracy in Europe and even more shameful left politics and even more shameful populace of the dumbass silent majority of conservative and reactionary characters who like to mimick some intellectual mundane blah blah while being provincial coward monkeys imitating for better impression or just bullshitters on bullshit payrol of the bullshit masters of the Eu bullshit jobs.
The WARNING AND ADVICE is already chipped in the chip they implanted voluntarily under their ass of the voluntary serfdom which excludes even free breakfast and lunch for their kids and god forbid,some free education, free health, free housing and some medical marijuana.

PS: Israel is getting completely rabid, foaming around the mouth, Iran did not attack! Yet. They were planning already one, two three, four, five preemptive strikes!
All around the world tour of attacks was looming as the final solution. They need to attack, they feel rabid, it must be this wind blowing there… They had even all propaganda ready for explaining why one attacks someone even if it is not attacked by him ! It was somewhere page 666, or 777 in the bible, the whole explanation., but the pages went lost and smudged in the thumble of the walls of jericho.
The Blinken is rocking in the free world , his favorite guitar song, he plays in the band when flying to tel aviv for extra cash for bying his dog the kosher biscuits they say.
Now, the Iran nuke, is getting hot, and the hebrewskiewski prophets are preemptively thinking of bombing themselves if Iran does not want to do it, so they can attack somewhere later on. This goal or target is on page 999 of the bible but the rabbi is still trying to figure out what place it is since the real name was lost in translation..


Hey son, Someday you will understand. BUT SOMEDAY NEVER CAME. Someday never comes- a song written by John Fogerty.

The parties of “GOD” of all kinds are getting ready for the Manifest Destiny.
Someday we will understand, yeah, but someday never comes.

This is a tale.

Iran Gods army has the bomb. It is not so clean and well made as the YHWH army one has. It was made also by exporting the modified Alibaba drones to the ruski in return for some kilos of the golden dust- uranium…

This is the sign of the times, when the silent majority reached its manifest (in)capacity on top of the Bells Curve of the perverted monkey route 66 IQ plateaux. The Armageddon of the One Gods armies of the monotheistic proliferation of nonsense of the Armageddon for the fight for the promised land.
The probability is more than 90%, the same as the uranium purity grade for making the BOMB. OK, it may be a little more dirty, low grade, but it works.

The Standing Ovation for the Bibi Prophet in the Kingdom of USA congress for the continuing of the genocide and more, was a sign that the KUSA is in the same financial pocket as Israel and that the elected for the people by the people are on the same payroll for the Armageddon.
Someday we will inderstand, but someday never came.

The killing of the Hamas prophet in Tehran by the YHWH prophetic missile of Armageddon….
Someday never comes.
The man was a negotiator on behalf of ALLH, a pragmatic one, sitting at the same table as the other, YHWH, prophet army when dealing together around Armageddon.
The Chinese were also the target, as they dared to unite at the same table all one god prophets of Palestine. The message was: one more red line to cross to reach the manifest destiny of the promised land.
By removing pragmatism if one can imagine this is possible since what thf is this concept in this prophetic club, the doors of the 7 trumpets are open.

The Bullshiters reached their cultural economic and civilization limit. Instead of repenting, they are ready to blow up.
Someday we will understand, but someday never came.
The Monotheistic bunch of ONE GODS, or maybe even More one gods at the same place in the same time as the new physics teaches , is bound to explode.

The solution is not the conspiracy Davos elimination of the billions of Human Bodies occupying the space on the planet, eliminated by some genocide virus, the BOMB IS BETTER. It makes the surviving serfs more docile for a long time.
The YHWH prophets are pushing the edge of the beginning of the Armageddon. The famous USA red lines not to be crossed are the best joke of this decade.

They are STUCK in this model of the debt driven economy and the House of cards of digital collateral needs a cleansing somewhere to start anew with the Trump and Vance purely fictional AI economy of the coins and cloud wallets.. Who needs this billions of bodies, SOON TO BE CORPSES on the Armageddon.
All Prophets and their armies of sycophants always play around Armageddon.
It is a sort of game theory they use by ultimate threats and breaching line after line by building terror before the doors of Armageddon open. They always think it will never happen until someday will come SOON when the mad prophets will cross the line of the “game”. Sooner or later.
Someday we will understand but someday never came.

How about this “prolife” killers, prophets of Armageddon?
How about YOU, dear IQ 66? How you make a standing ovation for the genocide and then be prolife, especially in the name of the raped girl who has to bear the poisoned fruit of the Armageddon, nurture it and even take care of it?
Someday we will understand, but someday never came. Ask Vance.

How about the someday when we will understand that INTEREST on Debt makes the growth mandatory? With interest on debt, which can not be loaned but has to be made from existing debt loaned money in circulation and repaid, THERE CAN NOT BE DEGROWTH. There will be no livable situation soon.
Ergo, one has to grow to pay the interest, and the debt. Which means more debt, more energy consumption , more extraction of wealth or material, more busy days and nights and the endless race to the bottom.
Someday we will understand , but someday never comes

These days in the Europe the production of Solar and Wind has been bigger than all fossil and nuclear and hydro together.
In these same days the Sloveinain populace supports in polls the new Nuke Plants by 66% in favor. Strange, the number is identical to the bells curve majority of the IQ 66.
The Universe not known builder software likes to poke jokes.
Someday we will undestand, but someday never came.

In about 2-3 years, the desert or semi desert in the EU will reach the European soil somewhere near Bolsena lake,it is already on the way to Ioanina, the Greek islands will be even more a desert as they are mostly now, the south Spain will be a desert…. South France same, spared in a stripe where the Biscay born tempests head south provoking floods, soon a in 10 years Bavaria is on the list, but the cars will be electric.

Yes this months Sicily , Sardegna, part of Baleares , only some trees died, few tens of thousands all together. Next year, only God ( and your prophets) know why, you say, suddenly they all went dry and dead.

As you have read in this blofg , YEARS BACK IN TIME, the water storage of all kinds was needed ASAP. Maybe someday they will put a lake someday, but it it will be too late, someday never came.
Great opportunity for the new real estate, WD has read. Especially this modern cement BAUHAUS blocks, cubes, no shutters, no patios,no shading, no trees to obstruct the cubicle beauty, no water drainage or water collection, cement around for the modern look style sprouting around… 66 , not the IQ only, the temeperature, too, you know, the Universe is poking jokes . It is 66,6. maybe in Celsius or anything around.

Someday we will understand, but someday never comes.