After the endorsing of the criminally obscene AI video about Gaza, endorsed by the US and Netanyahoo , any type of respect for this wild bunch, by anyone sound in mind, is gone. How many out there are sound in mind is a question which has only awful results. Apart from majority of Witchdoctor readers/visitors which are not any more 10, but lately go in many many thousands, keep and spread the vibe, folks! Witchdoctor is never tracking you.
Keep the flame.
When the Trump and the Vance were talking about respect which Zelensky was lacking of, so they said,, it was some other type of respect they were pretending, more like a mafia one arse licking to the boss..
The issue of the Gaza video “rebuilding”, with Palestinians belly dancing, Trump and Natayahve drinking cocktails, Palestinians serving, and Musk throwing dollars in the air, Trump golden statue like any dictator worth mentioning, this obscene video showed something else.
It showed what in the minds of the mainstream West and also other World mindsets was the ethical and overall cultural and aesthetic idea of paradise, leisure and fun.
Paradise is a pool, cocktails, sexy girls, and the whole dumbass idiotic stereotype of what is fun and good life. A pool in the desert where there is no water for the locals, like Lanzarote, or Cyclades or some North African desert. Cocktails and endless blaring shithole music. Sun, maybe for the melanoma. Girls, especially for the decrepit old whites laying like pigs the whole day in their sunbeds and leaving the sunbeds by the pool only to eat and piss like pigs. The whole architectural layout and aesthetics is a dumbass stereotype which is destroying all beaches and coasts around the World- the shithole resorts for the dumb assess which are living under the Gaussian Bell curve of misery IQ 66 arshole intelligence stereotype, with or without money. Both sexes and any gender, any color , dumb assess.
The wannabee paradise of the brain dead which is currently destroying last patches of pristine landscape, and building on the dead corpses or living slaves..
The following art of the deal , Trump Docet, has the same underlying structure as the European Euro group and the Troika has applied to Greece. It was less spectacular and more politically correct but it was the same shit. In 48 hours, well described by Yanis Varufakis, GREECE WAS SCREWED. Same as Zelenski was. Wd told you so, long time ago, how it will turn out. So, the EU has a victory, it applied the screwing of the screw long before than the US did it in a more obscene way.
Thrum boasts, says he is the master of the Art of the Deal.
We have seen it, live. So, lets look what are the components of this artistic approach to a DEAL:
AMBUSH the contracting party
CRUSH the contracting party
EXECUTE the contracting party
BETRAY the contracting party
The narrative theatricals is to pretend to be and pretend to be Offended. To ask for Gratitude. To demand Thanks and to impose that the other side is grateful for the ; being ambushed and taken by surprise, being crushed and being gladly executed. With betrayal of the deal, betrayal is always refereed to the behavior of the opposite contracting party.
In fact, like Greece on behalf of the EU, Ukrainian President was deliberately ambushed, crushed, executed in the role of contracting party and definitely betrayed.
Zelensky smelled it after a while and rebelled, since he was witnessing his OWN removal as the president of Ukraine by the US hand, and because of that was thrown out and this is the US ART OF THE DEAL. Zelensky figured it out after twenty minutes that whatever he did , licking arse and thanking showing gratitude by salivating like a dog under the feet of his Masters, they will overthrow him, even with the Russian help and with the help of the western Nazis, or leftists or anyone who wants Russian peaceful gas and oil to grow more.
The Great again US bunch, if one analyses closely the art of the deal made by trump&comp was simple. In order to finish the war in 24 hours there was only a few possibilities for the trump bunch: Make the regime change in Ukraine and make Ukrainians lose by taking away US support of any kind.. The dilemma is: loose a big chunk or maybe an ever bigger chunk of their land.
This was Putin speaking in the oval office and this was the art of the deal by the US.
And, incredible but true, the real bastard empires in history which lasted long were the ones who showed Magnanimity when screwing their Vassals. Without magnanimity which is the pivot theme in all folk tales about kings and princes, the Empires do not last ! So the soft power of magnanimity in the relations between the power and the vassal, there is no happy ending! And this is not a trifle at all, it is the pointer of destiny.
Apart from the Art of the Deal of the US as USURER talk when 100 dollars grow to 350 dollars, the art of the deal by the US is to put a gun on the head of the contracting party and say; take it or leave it, you HAVE NO CARDS TO PLAY as we have heard clearly.. This type of negotiations is the final part of the art of the deal- The Betrayal. Having lead to believe the Invaded Ukraine with the military expertise US promises of the complete win and eternal support from the biggest Empire which always helps its friends- the usual bollocks talk , spin and lies ,and in the moment when Ukraine was having better cards than Russia to strike a deal two years ago, the Betrayal was , like in Afghanistan or next one coming, with the Kurd, or whoever takes seriously the US soft talk while they feed themselves in reality on the Shock Doctrine of their Disaster Capitalism export model with Usurer tactics backed by the military financial complex to make more bucks, dollars, whatever parasitical.
It was Cannibal Party in the oval office we have witnessed and the Appalachian deliverance guy sitting there near the King was really happy.
BECAUSE; have you read about the art of polarizing as the art of artificially building opposed camps in the current society, in the Witchdoctor blog? OK, now what happens if the poles in the polarizing process change/revert? The positive pole becomes negative and vice versa? Well, as we see , suddenly the Western peace leftists stand with Trump in the same camp! Western Nazis and leftists suddenly stand united. They are now all Putin allies!! WTF!!! That was Trump changing poles, yea. And suddenly he is also in Putin field Camp. Pretending to mediate, for the ambush, crush, execute and betray. But any further in time contracting parties anywhere will both or all of them do the same. This is a complete trash, the pilot trash wave of civilization is going under the pile of unattended shit down the shithole. The last Power cracker fireworks of the USEMpire. The shit has hit the fan.
Talking about folklore and strange twists in polarizing reverting of poles, meanwhile in the EU some really funny things happen: the there is a funny surge of gay Nazis , lesbian Nazis , Lesbian living with Sri Lanka migrant outside Germany with children from mars if we believe that only an epruvette or two opposed sexes can make babies . All this characters lead the Nazi volkish cults which have roots not in Switzerland but hundreds of kilometers apart in former East Germany.
The new German leader to be is a Black Rock matter former employee, the Alice in wonderland is from Goldmine Socks and there are whole lotta of them filling the European Union top positions and the volkish volk is voting them..
The difference between the Black Rock person and the Goldmine Socks in Germany is really thin, if any at all. Witchdoctor thinks that the difference is maybe in the social cultural linguistic approach to the same subject. So, the AFD is more beer proletarian rough language while the posh rich CDUCSU is more snobbish and subdued same thing about the same which unites them so well. The alibi of the middle class to choose the “ a higher snobbish level” of the racist underline opposed to the volkish rude and fashion different clothing of the AFD.
As we all know, part from the journos, the have the exactly same cargo cult economical agenda. They are twins concerning the German ordoliberal schwartze null approach of living within your means. So latest Heiner Flassbeck call and conclusion that they should rule and govern together and so in a few years be the only responsible for the German ( and European) disaster looming is spot on. The government can no longer use the previous government’s policy as an alibi for its own failure.
If the new German govt will include the SPD it will mean that the shit will hit the fan on the whole political spectrum and that is the planned alibi of the upcoming German Government in next months. With the final destruction of the SPD and not otherwise, and the AFD will take over with even more Nazi solutions to a historic problem being cooked over again..
The possible objection that this coalition in pectore will buy time for the change which will finally avoid the AFD ever winning since the coalition will fix the issues which gave rise to AFD, is ludicrous.
SPD will definitely go in the Black rock matter hole as it went into mud with the pact with the FDP which was the ordoliberal German Oligarchy guarantee and years ago even a promoter of a sort of AFD ordoliberal spin party, backed by the part of the German rich.. The German Oligarchy played shortsighted as usual thinking it will save itself by lowering DE wages and exporting like crazy, and will soon be forced to move for survival as the corporate seat to the US or China and Germany will deindustrialize under this cargo cult dogmas they keep peddling over and over again.
In fact. All progressives should be thinking to FIREWALL BOTH CDUCSU AND AFD, with the new economic and social approach Against the cargo cult bollocks which have brought Germany and the EU in this shithole.
Bureaucracy, Deregulation and Arms race
Witchdoctor is a big fan of cutting bureaucracy. But this is a general statement and needs to be more specific: all the current populists or ordoliberal love to boast about bureaucracy choking business, too much regulations etcetera. Now, the point is simple: blah blah generalizing leads nowhere. In fact cutting rangers in the national parks , or food safety, water safety, environment protection, air pollution safety, medicine drugs safety, labor unions freedom and child labor ban, workers safety and self organizing is the opposite of what is needed. It is cutting the bureaucracy where the bureaucracy is the armed hand of the State Oligarchy rule against normal citizens and small business and acts as the apparatus of repression and fright and control. There is the real cut to be done in big numbers of this constantly idle on permanent vacation cohorts inventing norms for their own survival and proliferation. But the ruling class will never do it, since it needs the repression with mindless stupid norms and normativism to keep the populace in check.
As for the new spending on arms, only the EU dumb asses are capable of throwing money in such a stupid way. Instead of choosing the united view on what and for what to spend to be efficient as a whole, they will spend 27 times for the completely non functional armies which will eventually fight each other as they are capable of doing only this by default. In fact, they should spend less and sack all this thousands of useless generals and corporals and close their offices asap!!!!
No one is giving Respect to this mindless plans.
Now, We need a Manifesto for the new Europe asap! The real united federate or Swiss cantonized stuff or something like. It is URGENT!
OOPS SORRY, this manifesto already exists. It is called The Manifesto of Ventotene.
Never heard? OOPPS. POOPS It was written more than 80 years ago and the EU techno Oligarchy likes sometimes to mention it as a founding brick of this current shithole., for no apparent reason except for the spin.