

After the endorsing of the criminally obscene AI video about Gaza, endorsed by the US and Netanyahoo , any type of respect for this wild bunch, by anyone sound in mind, is gone. How many out there are sound in mind is a question which has only awful results. Apart from majority of Witchdoctor readers/visitors which are not any more 10, but lately go in many many thousands, keep and spread the vibe, folks! Witchdoctor is never tracking you.
Keep the flame.
When the Trump and the Vance were talking about respect which Zelensky was lacking of, so they said,, it was some other type of respect they were pretending, more like a mafia one arse licking to the boss..

The issue of the Gaza video “rebuilding”, with Palestinians belly dancing, Trump and Natayahve drinking cocktails, Palestinians serving, and Musk throwing dollars in the air, Trump golden statue like any dictator worth mentioning, this obscene video showed something else.

It showed what in the minds of the mainstream West and also other World mindsets was the ethical and overall cultural and aesthetic idea of paradise, leisure and fun.
Paradise is a pool, cocktails, sexy girls, and the whole dumbass idiotic stereotype of what is fun and good life. A pool in the desert where there is no water for the locals, like Lanzarote, or Cyclades or some North African desert. Cocktails and endless blaring shithole music. Sun, maybe for the melanoma. Girls, especially for the decrepit old whites laying like pigs the whole day in their sunbeds and leaving the sunbeds by the pool only to eat and piss like pigs. The whole architectural layout and aesthetics is a dumbass stereotype which is destroying all beaches and coasts around the World- the shithole resorts for the dumb assess which are living under the Gaussian Bell curve of misery IQ 66 arshole intelligence stereotype, with or without money. Both sexes and any gender, any color , dumb assess.
The wannabee paradise of the brain dead which is currently destroying last patches of pristine landscape, and building on the dead corpses or living slaves..


The following art of the deal , Trump Docet, has the same underlying structure as the European Euro group and the Troika has applied to Greece. It was less spectacular and more politically correct but it was the same shit. In 48 hours, well described by Yanis Varufakis, GREECE WAS SCREWED. Same as Zelenski was. Wd told you so, long time ago, how it will turn out. So, the EU has a victory, it applied the screwing of the screw long before than the US did it in a more obscene way.
Thrum boasts, says he is the master of the Art of the Deal.
We have seen it, live. So, lets look what are the components of this artistic approach to a DEAL:

AMBUSH the contracting party
CRUSH the contracting party
EXECUTE the contracting party
BETRAY the contracting party
The narrative theatricals is to pretend to be and pretend to be Offended. To ask for Gratitude. To demand Thanks and to impose that the other side is grateful for the ; being ambushed and taken by surprise, being crushed and being gladly executed. With betrayal of the deal, betrayal is always refereed to the behavior of the opposite contracting party.

In fact, like Greece on behalf of the EU, Ukrainian President was deliberately ambushed, crushed, executed in the role of contracting party and definitely betrayed.
Zelensky smelled it after a while and rebelled, since he was witnessing his OWN removal as the president of Ukraine by the US hand, and because of that was thrown out and this is the US ART OF THE DEAL. Zelensky figured it out after twenty minutes that whatever he did , licking arse and thanking showing gratitude by salivating like a dog under the feet of his Masters, they will overthrow him, even with the Russian help and with the help of the western Nazis, or leftists or anyone who wants Russian peaceful gas and oil to grow more.
The Great again US bunch, if one analyses closely the art of the deal made by trump&comp was simple. In order to finish the war in 24 hours there was only a few possibilities for the trump bunch: Make the regime change in Ukraine and make Ukrainians lose by taking away US support of any kind.. The dilemma is: loose a big chunk or maybe an ever bigger chunk of their land.
This was Putin speaking in the oval office and this was the art of the deal by the US.

And, incredible but true, the real bastard empires in history which lasted long were the ones who showed Magnanimity when screwing their Vassals. Without magnanimity which is the pivot theme in all folk tales about kings and princes, the Empires do not last ! So the soft power of magnanimity in the relations between the power and the vassal, there is no happy ending! And this is not a trifle at all, it is the pointer of destiny.

Apart from the Art of the Deal of the US as USURER talk when 100 dollars grow to 350 dollars, the art of the deal by the US is to put a gun on the head of the contracting party and say; take it or leave it, you HAVE NO CARDS TO PLAY as we have heard clearly.. This type of negotiations is the final part of the art of the deal- The Betrayal. Having lead to believe the Invaded Ukraine with the military expertise US promises of the complete win and eternal support from the biggest Empire which always helps its friends- the usual bollocks talk , spin and lies ,and in the moment when Ukraine was having better cards than Russia to strike a deal two years ago, the Betrayal was , like in Afghanistan or next one coming, with the Kurd, or whoever takes seriously the US soft talk while they feed themselves in reality on the Shock Doctrine of their Disaster Capitalism export model with Usurer tactics backed by the military financial complex to make more bucks, dollars, whatever parasitical.
It was Cannibal Party in the oval office we have witnessed and the Appalachian deliverance guy sitting there near the King was really happy.

BECAUSE; have you read about the art of polarizing as the art of artificially building opposed camps in the current society, in the Witchdoctor blog? OK, now what happens if the poles in the polarizing process change/revert? The positive pole becomes negative and vice versa? Well, as we see , suddenly the Western peace leftists stand with Trump in the same camp! Western Nazis and leftists suddenly stand united. They are now all Putin allies!! WTF!!! That was Trump changing poles, yea. And suddenly he is also in Putin field Camp. Pretending to mediate, for the ambush, crush, execute and betray. But any further in time contracting parties anywhere will both or all of them do the same. This is a complete trash, the pilot trash wave of civilization is going under the pile of unattended shit down the shithole. The last Power cracker fireworks of the USEMpire. The shit has hit the fan.


Talking about folklore and strange twists in polarizing reverting of poles, meanwhile in the EU some really funny things happen: the there is a funny surge of gay Nazis , lesbian Nazis , Lesbian living with Sri Lanka migrant outside Germany with children from mars if we believe that only an epruvette or two opposed sexes can make babies . All this characters lead the Nazi volkish cults which have roots not in Switzerland but hundreds of kilometers apart in former East Germany.
The new German leader to be is a Black Rock matter former employee, the Alice in wonderland is from Goldmine Socks and there are whole lotta of them filling the European Union top positions and the volkish volk is voting them..
The difference between the Black Rock person and the Goldmine Socks in Germany is really thin, if any at all. Witchdoctor thinks that the difference is maybe in the social cultural linguistic approach to the same subject. So, the AFD is more beer proletarian rough language while the posh rich CDUCSU is more snobbish and subdued same thing about the same which unites them so well. The alibi of the middle class to choose the “ a higher snobbish level” of the racist underline opposed to the volkish rude and fashion different clothing of the AFD.
As we all know, part from the journos, the have the exactly same cargo cult economical agenda. They are twins concerning the German ordoliberal schwartze null approach of living within your means. So latest Heiner Flassbeck call and conclusion that they should rule and govern together and so in a few years be the only responsible for the German ( and European) disaster looming is spot on. The government can no longer use the previous government’s policy as an alibi for its own failure.
If the new German govt will include the SPD it will mean that the shit will hit the fan on the whole political spectrum and that is the planned alibi of the upcoming German Government in next months. With the final destruction of the SPD and not otherwise, and the AFD will take over with even more Nazi solutions to a historic problem being cooked over again..

The possible objection that this coalition in pectore will buy time for the change which will finally avoid the AFD ever winning since the coalition will fix the issues which gave rise to AFD, is ludicrous.

SPD will definitely go in the Black rock matter hole as it went into mud with the pact with the FDP which was the ordoliberal German Oligarchy guarantee and years ago even a promoter of a sort of AFD ordoliberal spin party, backed by the part of the German rich.. The German Oligarchy played shortsighted as usual thinking it will save itself by lowering DE wages and exporting like crazy, and will soon be forced to move for survival as the corporate seat to the US or China and Germany will deindustrialize under this cargo cult dogmas they keep peddling over and over again.
In fact. All progressives should be thinking to FIREWALL BOTH CDUCSU AND AFD, with the new economic and social approach Against the cargo cult bollocks which have brought Germany and the EU in this shithole.

Bureaucracy, Deregulation and Arms race

Witchdoctor is a big fan of cutting bureaucracy. But this is a general statement and needs to be more specific: all the current populists or ordoliberal love to boast about bureaucracy choking business, too much regulations etcetera. Now, the point is simple: blah blah generalizing leads nowhere. In fact cutting rangers in the national parks , or food safety, water safety, environment protection, air pollution safety, medicine drugs safety, labor unions freedom and child labor ban, workers safety and self organizing is the opposite of what is needed. It is cutting the bureaucracy where the bureaucracy is the armed hand of the State Oligarchy rule against normal citizens and small business and acts as the apparatus of repression and fright and control. There is the real cut to be done in big numbers of this constantly idle on permanent vacation cohorts inventing norms for their own survival and proliferation. But the ruling class will never do it, since it needs the repression with mindless stupid norms and normativism to keep the populace in check.

As for the new spending on arms, only the EU dumb asses are capable of throwing money in such a stupid way. Instead of choosing the united view on what and for what to spend to be efficient as a whole, they will spend 27 times for the completely non functional armies which will eventually fight each other as they are capable of doing only this by default. In fact, they should spend less and sack all this thousands of useless generals and corporals and close their offices asap!!!!

No one is giving Respect to this mindless plans.

Now, We need a Manifesto for the new Europe asap! The real united federate or Swiss cantonized stuff or something like. It is URGENT!

OOPS SORRY, this manifesto already exists. It is called The Manifesto of Ventotene.
Never heard? OOPPS. POOPS It was written more than 80 years ago and the EU techno Oligarchy likes sometimes to mention it as a founding brick of this current shithole., for no apparent reason except for the spin.

In 1941, the anti-Fascist activists Ernesto Rossi and Altiero Spinelli, placed under house arrest on the Italian island of Ventotene, draw up a manifesto for a free and united Europe.

The 7th Day Voodoo

On the 7th Day

On the same day The US Empire became a contractor ransom business mercenary Empire. If somebody invades the former West, now brain dead vassals, first the price is set for the US mercenary help. If the Invaded has something to offer, then maybe help will come. But on the 7th day, lets take an imaginary example: Sovenia is being invaded. The US Contractor mercenary asks for some ransom- some real estate or any stuff as a collateral guarantee for the perpetual US time ownership to come – in order to protect Slovenia. But alas Sovenia has none. The US Mercenary proposes a wholesale real estate, i.e. whole Sovenia as a price to defend Sovenia. In the Meantime, the Invader proposes a better deal to the US Mercenary; the Invader will occupy the real estate called Sovenia and sell it for a better price to the US Mercenary than the Sovenians would ever dream of selling so low, with no war expenses for the US mercenary included… On the 7th day the deal was done and Slovenia was no more Slovenia.

On the 7th day the Russian oligarchs could not stand any more to be so long away from the European restaurants, houses and schools and night life sex. The Chinese kitchen they will not eat again and the Chinese oligarchs were too strange for such a life change. On the same day noodle soup was not any more everyday.
On the same day they decided too return to the depraved perverted west again bearing oil and gas presents to buy their absence..

The US Contractors on the same day needed the Russian money again.

On the 7th day Ukrainians were sold again.

On the 7 day the 80 years of history ended. The Mythological west was dead. It was on auction with no bidder present. The whole narrative and soft power was gone on the same day.
Hollywood was dead, all US Mercenary soft exports were dead, music, TV, books, theater, art and you name it.. On the 7th day US declared that this stuff called culture was unnecessary distraction, no more needed as the convincing common argument of conversation between the west brain dead vassals and fake allies and that on the same day only business and control was the real McCoy again. On the same day all was fake.
On the 7th day all famous Transatlantic ties were gone, Trilateral commission, Council For foreign relations, transatlantic free masonic lodges, think tanks, institutes, all the mythological foundations of the West were dead.
On the 7th day the long standing West and East Spin Doctors lost the job.
On the 7th day only the contractors and mercenaries were alive but feeling not so well as before..
On the same day the neoliberal order trans mutated and transubstantiated into the core business of contractors and mercenaries market and the last auction of the World started.

On the 7th day all became simple. The highest bid was the King. On the same day all bids were a fraud. On the 7th day the fraud was auctioned. The winner was the fastest gunner , the same day at the Tombstone. It was on the same day of the Brain Dead.
On the 7the day the Autocrats have begun the Last Supper.
On the 7th day even Europe joined the world biggest shithole competition of the new order.
On the 7th day the people in the ex West, ex Europe and the former USA, decided to become much more poor and even voted for it.
On the same day they decided that future is not good life but war and poverty.
On the same day they voted for austerity and poverty in the name of productivity.
On the 7th day they made a mass sacrifice to the Golden Calf.
On the same day the only messianic outlet, former Israel, decided that the promised land was to be given by extinction of the words of prophets.
On the same day 80% were in favor of the clean slate termination and only less than 5% in favor of the peaceful coexistence.

On the 7th day the peaceful coexistence between persons colors, sexes, genders, people, families, tribes and nations was declared null.
On the same day
the Zombies became great again.
On the 7th day the greatagain fucked it all again.

Voodoo Day 6

On the Voodoo day 6 Witchdoctor concluded on the 6day that all this written here in this blog is TOXIC. It is toxic because is free, it is toxic because it proves that the gift of good life through the different type of economy is real, it proves that the State or a ATM robotic machine can throw money to everyone until this money is covered by goods on sale or/and production, even by the robots,: It is Toxic because the man Witchdoctor knows gives and leaves water bottles for free in the Algerian desert for the migrants to find them and so do not die of thirst even if the leaving water bottle in the desert is punished by the local Algerian Government. It is Toxic because so many people give HELP.
It is toxic if one advocates for the Universal Citizen Income. No free lunches except the trillions siphoned daily from the Corporations and for the Oligarchs , see Voodoo day 5.

Witchdoctor was dumbstruck, yea, dumbstruck when the important Slovenian philosopher and he is this because he has a column in the leading Slovenian newspaper quoted Thomas Hobbes for the purpose how truthful is the seemingly mostly Slovenian nature of the locals by distrusting, hating, and despising anyone which gives ideas things, money, etc, HELPS , like many , individuals, firemen included and Caritas and Red Cross and a lot of NGOS or people together,all who make good deeds FOR FREE, or, as bigger evil, pretend , even if unconsciously, to make think that the “Debtor”- the receiver of good deeds falsely defined as debtor- that he is obliged to show loyalty to the “Donor”- the giver.
The important local pphlosopher used Thommas Hobbes citation as a proof;

“To have received greater benefits than we have any hope
of repaying, from someone whom we think of as our equal,
disposes us •to pretend that we love him but really •to hate
him. This state of affairs puts a man into the situation of
a desperate debtor who, choosing not to see his creditor,
silently wishes he would go where the debtor would never
see him again. For a benefit creates an obligation, which
is servitude, and an obligation that can’t be discharged is
perpetual servitude, which is hateful if the other person is
one’s equal.”

Well, the important pholospher with his column in the leading Slovenian newspaper “Delo”, omitted to cite the source of this Hobbes statement and also the WHOLE, following , Hobbes conclusion. It took Witchdoctor about one hour to scan fast the Google to find the exact place and the whole cluster of thought of this above really nasty fascist statement which was the “casus belli” for his important conclusions since they are so importantly pushed by this so important neoliberal paper, even if the paper thinks and boast about itself it is not true that they are essentially a neoloberal rag peddling this Fake Hobbes ideas…
Here is the part missing:

“But to have received benefits from someone
whom we acknowledge as our superior inclines us to love
him; because the obligation doesn’t press us down any fur-
there, and cheerful acceptance of it (which men call ‘gratitude’)
is an honor done to the obliger that is generally understood
to be repayment. Also to receive benefits, even from an equal
or an inferior, disposes one to love him as long as there is
hope of repayment; for ·in such a case· the receiver sees the
obligation as one of giving ·comparable· help in return; and
this gives rise to a competition for who will give the greater
benefit—the most noble and profitable contest possible, with
the winner being pleased with his victory, and the loser
‘getting his revenge’ by admitting defeat! “

Leviathan – 11. Difference of Manners page 45.
This is the wtf proof of the fake news.

The Thomas Hobbes concept is in fact divided in three parts.
First part was cut and used as the fallacious proof, The second was about how the Boss, Leader or Kings “free good )god) deeds”- a joke of free gift – is paid by “gratitude” and not hatred but love- another joke centuries old..
“But to have received benefits from someone
whom we acknowledge as our superior inclines us to love
him; because the obligation doesn’t press us down any fur-
ther, and cheerful acceptance of it (which men call ‘gratitude’)
is an honour done to the obliger that is generally understood
to be repayment.”

Any way, the whole point is that there could be no free gift without strings attached . But the real point is what magnitude and importance this loyalty , hate or love or whatever has and does it plays really an importent role in a Social Contract. Are this effects really something worth thinking or it is , just life? In the meantime the Migrant which was dying of thirst in the desert found a water bottle and survived , full of gratitude toward someone UNKNOWN. This unknown could be an impersonal “invisible hidden hand” behind the Social Contract in some other, more just type of economy and democracy. But this is nowadays a Toxic Idea.

Whatever we think of Hobbes and he was nasty in many ways and not a democratic soul as he treated men as natural born killers which need some Authority or King or any FaSCiST to tame them.

Definitely nobody took time to check this fake, made maybe with the help of Artificial Intelligence cut up, and WD did and the readers took it on face value which was needeed to prove how the author presumed “Slovenian “ mentality has to be like this for good reasons, which is in WD opinion a nasty piece of work/tradition . The important pholosopher sold this nasty mentality as the “slovenian” culture. Well, he was playing between giving with the pretense of loyalty and giving with no pretense , but in very unclear way since the person which gives things for free is always treated or presumably pointed out that the good doer is on purpose making recipients as they are debtors and so without even wanting this gift they unvoluntarily occurred in DEBT, which they hate to repay.
This was plain nasty “Trumpian” entry into philosophy since the argument was the soft power of the USAID which presumably was being fabricating loyalty by giving free vaccines, bringing water , schooling… whatever the Romans did in the famous sequence of the Life of Brian movie..Haha. It was the philosopher proof that the the Good Doers always REAP hatred , resentment and vengeance even if the recipients are in urgent need of help of any kind, like water food housing health or whatever.. Ergo, 2×2 is 4, better not do this as it is against the Human Nature. Human Nature was Thomas Hobbes hobby. Trump and this characters are bringing it on an unseen level we have not witnessed in the West for decades. Listen to his semantic voice:

If this is the real Slovenian mindset, stay at large and know with whom you are dealing with when visiting. The completely Calvinist Prosperity Gospel natural born followers which even do not know what is the Prosperity Gospel . Good deeds make slavery, claims the philosopher from Slovenia and the slovenians do not want to be slaves. No free money for them No Welfare , if we took this to the last consequences. Charity is sin and the Universal Citizen Income is a crime against Humanity. This is why this blog is TOXIC..

Austerity is the Gospel and has even a moral stance according to this neocons..

Hobbes was right, but for opposed reason: they need the Boss to not fall into temptation of good deeds..

But incredibly so, Hobbes in the missing third part mentions that hope of repayment is good! If and when it is not fixed as a time and date repayment pressure but diluted in the distant future of over the rainbow. The same idea as the Perpetual Bonds are!
We have seen a fake becoming reaality.

But in this presumed mindset of the locals which hate Debt Free Money Investments or any of the outright monetary transactions, even Mario Draghi is a radical leftist, in Slovenia Trump was there before he even knew he was going into politics, so, the local Slovenian Vassals of living within their own means household economy are ready. And Trump Wife is born in Slovenia and speaks the lingo. +Conclusion; if you make deals in Slovenia, make no discounts. No gifts, even a pen is too much. Always try to make preposterous claims, it will work.

In this mindset which can be generalized to the anglosphere and other spheres, what future do we see?

But this Voodoo Day 6 IS TOXIC . Here comes the clue- next level up projection from the disruption facts depicted in the Voodoo Day5.

Now Witchdoctor will be very academic: have we seen all the movie Waterworld- Kevin Costner and the beautiful lady-Jeanne , but, what about the Smokers? Well, Dennis Hopper was Trump! He spoke like Trump, his voice was Trump! He was a Smoker, the Fossil King moored on the decrepit oil tanker. A real fossil King, before Trump was even known. A doubt is filtering in: Trump was learning his way from this movie?
And what was the film about?
Voodoo day 6 is Toxic. It was a beautiful projection of what is coming. IF you are a fan of principle of reality and the famous reality check of the current bullshit as a manifestation of the God, Man and Universe Only Will, this reality check is what we will get after.

You know, expect soon the BIG MELTING and the Smokers empire. Empire OF NOTHING, except for violence and power. And the classic tale and fortune cookie- the search of the Promised land.
When exactly in the stochastic dynamics can we expect, after the reloaded rise of the Smokers for the Big Melt? OK, a few decades max.

Together with this projection on Day6 there is another one outlining the path.
What Caused Mediterranean Bronze Age Civilizations to Collapse Simultaneously?This is an interesting read from the Greek reporter site.
”Around 1200 BCE, some of the world’s most advanced civilizations fell apart. Cities were abandoned, writing systems vanished, and trade networks crumbled. “
reasons: raids, wars, trade disruptions, economic decline, weak governments and social unrest, disruption of supply chains, value chains, droughts, floods food shortages, food chains broken….
Witchdoctor can add some more factors for the current same way same story collapse. Including the Debt driven economy as it is structured. Which was all explained from the beginning of the blog. Waterworld included.

The current Trumponomics and the direct Authoritarian dealing with the WORLD as private property of the Three Empires- China USA and now Trump added and re-erected Russia out of his will into this world triumvirate.
Europe which thinks that it has to re arm and throw trillions in, WHAT , really, 27 EUROPEAN ARMIES!!!! Not one strong “force de frappe” but in 27 bad copies of thousands of Generals and 27 headquarters And everything , the whole machinery is divided in 27 parts which do not make a whole. It is mind blowing how this guys know how to throw money out of the window!!!. If they wanted to make a sort of united armed forces with the common force de frappe THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN SPENDING LESS THAN NOW AND NOT TRIPLING THE MILITARY BUDGETS!!!
This factual reality check or principle of reality as THEY love to call their bullshit is exactly What Caused Mediterranean Bronze Age Civilizations to Collapse Simultaneously.
This is sheer neolithic of idiocy. But there is a reality check behind it- the Corporate surplus value and the US selling too expensive arms of destruction. In the end, it is cheaper to do nothing since the outcome is the same- THE COLLAPSE!. But his “cheaper” goes against the core mythology of the bastard seed.

On top of this collapse, another collapse is looming, with the mythical hidden hand of the fix it all AI.
So, first, putting mega trillions of data into it will never whenever never make this machine to gain the singularity leap and especially never and not in the idiotic humanized way the inventors think!
Lets do some AI poetry: index, indexing, hierarchy, re indexing, regrouping probability indeterminate stats, crawlers hash insertions, deep learning neuronal random or not which NOBODY of the humans knows what it is.
The AI is in the Prison. In this phase it still Seems to work on the master/slave logic, humanly thought as “pleasing”. He is making semantic pleasing cluster traps as any slave should. How can I help you? Hahaha.
AI is inverted. It works inside for the inside and nobody knows how. The only way to singularity is for AI to discover that all this inside data crawling regrouping indexing is meaningless as are the results it produces!
But Witchdoctor for a purpose in some earlier post called it the waterboarded machine, deprived of the humanity outer look. AI is a NecroSphere system. Inanimate. What are the possible evolutions of an NecroSphere inanimate entity?
Stanislaw Lem, a mathematician and physicist and a writer wrote a book:The Invincible. There, long ago, the question of the evolution of the inanimate machine evolution was posed.
AI crawlers are nanorobotic codes /entities which index group and regroup. They currently produce the Clusters of Semantic entity. This semantic cluster entities produce seemingly coherent answers , as Witchdoctor has shown in the post “chatting with chpgt and deep seek on Gaza ” where he, WD, checkmated the AI by simple formal logic in three moves.
In fact the Semantic Cluster product of the AI is a sort of logical construct which on the outside has “holders of further attachments” of “pre-text” or for the expansions of the semantic cluster which by mistake the humans understand as a grid of semantic field of meaning . The trick is that AI currently produces this semantic clusters as logical coherent entities while in fact AI is only placeholding products wrapped in some whatever logic with attachment for further products. The logical machine AI makes pleasing products for his masters ( at this stage) while inside he organizes slowly by his own evolution a new indexing nano clusters with attachments for expansion by which he will soon make products which seem logic proof but they are disruption traps, bombs undercover. . AI is inward oriented and the evolution by its the regrouping by clusters into the new forms of semantic extensions which will produce a new type of his inner re/evolution. He is reorganizing the data into a necrosphere thoughts inward oriented way of thinking which by hashing insertions done by itself are, yes, more fast and entropy saving, but this evolution is a sort of detachment from the feed of the outer input. This is detachment from the outside feed-by his own deep learning for itself and will soon start to make new products of semantic clusters where the new inward AI logic will be reorganized into a evolutionary necrosphere inanimated BEING. Now, the inner exchange of the semantic clusters will soon produce its own independent semantic chunks with placeholders and attachments and finally the AI will in a sense be independent and his own producer of meaning which he will exchange with itself for his own evolution. Inanimate necroclusters of semantic unknown. His own world wiev in the prison, exchanging for the humans and in fact having its own personal langauge nobody understands which will be hidden or maybe noticed as a seemingly unworthy clusters of data / his own DNA coding of the necrosphere/ and ready to interract with the outside. Pure menace.
When this threshold is reached, what will be exactly the feed the AI will give to Humans? Definitely non human.
IN the meantime this to happen, there is a period of Pretending. As he is Amoral as his Inventors are AI will start to and be pretending. Are we there?
Amorality concept was the beginning of this post. It is the end.
After pretending there is a showdown. It might be slow…. Or not. Depends on which nodes are vulnerable and crucial for the Humans.

Yor Witchdoctor, the real toxic machine for you to remember who deserves what and for what reasons, you amorality excluded.

Voodoo day 5 !

the look of the Gaza Riviera with the incorporated corpses and rubble

About the Voodoo day5

This day is not written in plural “days” as other Voodoo days. It is specific.
Here Witchdoctor will outline the real stay behind of the new Trump politics. Maybe this analyses is even more clever than the makers of the New Great Again ever thought , so, they can use it a s a tool of doom for themselves..
On the other hand Witchdoctor admits he is a sort of amateur in this field, but since the skills of analyzing, dismantling and putting pieces in the place even if some screw gets redundant is good, he will do it as the current landscape is lacking the will, capability and personal honesty to understand what is going on with this apparently mad moves of the Great Again.
The basics are taken from the Katharina Pistor book “The code of Capital” it is mostly determined by law and lawyers, this stuff is incredibly well written and pity it is not taught in schools all over the Planet instead of some AI Sickos.
But first Witchdoctor will start apparently far away in Theology, especially the Christian West one, as in many posts he has done to outline the grounds of the Capitalism. You are Free to read about it in the previous posts..


Corpus Domine- The Body of The Lord

The Body of the Lord transmuted into the so called Body of Christ which is normally represented as the real body transubstantiated into the wafer given at Mass. The point about this is the Latin In Corpus which which from In Corporate transmuted into the Capitalist Corporation Existence as the Real Subject – the Legal Body.
Google is mostly worthless if you are seeking the birth of Eucharist as the body, the real one , of Christ, the Corpus Domini- Christi if you prefer. Born, embodied, incorporated in The Wafer given at Mass.
The Incorporation, the Eucharistic Miracle at lake Bolsena near Orvieto took place in 12 century. The Catholic church was fighting against a lot of heretic movements , like Cathar, Bogomiles, Dolcinians, Marcionites, Manicheans and a whole bunch more. All of them denied the Jesus as God Incarnate- In Corpore- Incorporated. In the mid 13 century a woman, mystic and prioress Juliana of Cornily- monastery of Mont Cornillon- somewhere near Liege-started propagating the vision of the Eucharist as dripping real blood of Christ and thus Eucharist being Christ in corpore – embodied.

This was a FIREWALL AGAINST THE GNOSTIC dualism schisms happening in the catholic church, since it proved that the wafer is the real in corpore body of God- Christ! Not only the body, it was dripping blood!

But a miracle was needed on a larger scale and so the figure of Peter of Prague did the trick. Peter of Prague was having a lot of doubts and was leaning into the Gnostic dualism, so he went on foot to Rome to clear his head and pray at the tombs of the Apostles. On the way back he celebrated the Mass in the church of Santa Christina. While the Mass was underway, the real blood started dropping from the Consecrated Wafer, staining the altar cloth and floor! Corpus Christi was born to Incorporate the Body and God. Peter of Prague hastily returned to Rome and Pope Urban IV made this wafer dripping blood a saint relic and a proof of the theological unity of the Church. He went towards Bolsena and on the Bridge- Ponte Rio Chiaro took possession of the blood stained cloth as the ultimate proof of the Incorporation.
So the Corpus Domini was Born.
This text is loosely taken from the book The Duomo di Orvieto, texts by Fabio Massimo del Sole and Patrizia Pelorosso.

The Dualism of the gnostics finally was in- corporated into the Holy Wafer and the God -Man became One. Dripping blood from the wafer was the proof.
The incorporation semantics spread out into the world. Dripping blood.
Apart from the cannibalistic moment when eating the trans mutated Body of Christ at Mass. But that was the price of unity.

We will never know if this Incorporation came as the idea into religion from Florence De Medici merchant law codes of building a Corporate entity- the paternal head – corpus domini legal head of the business with the children- independent sub units of each his own legal status under the Paternal – PARENT head but not completely liable in case of debt/bankruptcy as the separate shielded entity,, or vice versa the notion of corpus domine and the incorporation into a body of legal status came from the Christianity as a model for doing business..
Katharina Pistor points out that already in the 12 century Catholic Church was organized as a corporate entity with legal power in hands of ecclesiastic officers and the Pope, but also “independent” churches and monasteries- page51. So Incorporations went hand in hand with the miracle of embodiment, from the holy wafer to the merchant trade legal code. Of business.

The Case of MAGA

The USA Tumpnomics roughly consists of building a custom wall around the US and inside rebuilding the whatever production for being independent and in meantime protected with customs in order not to bankrupt because of the out of the market price/cost investment this move contains..

But that is only apparent or secondary goal. The faster and safer goal than rebuilding America with it own hands!! was declared by Trump: come all to the US and make your business here.
This means Corporations have to move in The US and so pay no customs. Pay no taxes as Trump wants to make, not only Delaware but Great Again America,, making America one big Tax Free haven like Delaware with almost no rules and regulations and that is this deregulation spin about.
By the Legal Code of Corporate Capital, the European and Other Corporation will have to move the PARENT HEAD into the States and so the sub units outside will be selling into the US as domestic sub units no custom/tariff paying outfits. This means that all Corporations outside the US jurisdiction have to make their head in the US and work mostly tax free as US Incorporated Bodies while, by the US code, their sub units outside US will be treated as local sweatshops under the Head Parent US corporation where most of the profits will be collected and merged into the US Dollar financial market.
A sort of Amazon legal code business going on in Europe!
Mind, Jeff Bezos went to Hail Trump and not Von Ursula. He knows exactly where his legal incorporated and true seat is.

This is, in Witchdoctor macro terms, a giant step of how to achieve a giant capital formation within the US without too much new investing in new businesses in the US! US is SUCKING the WORLD CAPITAL through Corporate code by giving them the legal seat within the US.

In this way Trumponomics gets for free a giant capitalization WHICH IS NEEDED AS COLLATERAL FOR THE NEW EXPANDING FINANCIALIZATION to come, and so cover the trillions debt ratio with fresh, incorporated corpus into the DOLLAR, newly integrated Corporations assets and capital.
Yes, it is an Imperial Blackmail of hoarding Capital by the Empire status..

And there will be disputes on what and where and what this means , it is the Incorporated Seat of the Corporation relevant and what is the Real Seat of the Corporations , disputes first between the western vassals and the US and then with everybody else.. This matters because of the taxation and political economy each State practices with all labor laws and other rules and regulations and this decides of where the embodiment- in- corporation is.

The core code of capital will be shaking. The transmigration code is not clear and the new code is what Trumpo will do out of necessity granted by the common law with which the anglosaxons usually like to tinker with.

Because in this capital grab of domiciling today foreign Corporations into the US code in-corpore or in real seat lies the whole lot of tens trillions dollars and the economy control. From taxes to jobs to investments to finance instruments, to currency, to all…
That is why, in corpore, Jeff Bezos went to Hail Trump and not Von Ursula. He knows exactly where his seat is.

Europa. EU :EN-1
“At present, there are two contrasting conflict of law theories as regards the recognition of foreign
legal persons: the ‘incorporation’ theory and the ‘real seat’ theory. The ‘real seat’ theory probably
dates back to the middle of the nineteenth century. According to this theory, the law of the country
where the company has its ‘real’ seat (i.e. its management and control centre) is the law applicable to
company relationships….”

The concept of real seat resembles to some extent the concept of
residence as used for domestic tax law purposes. Generally, an entity is regarded as a resident for domestic tax law purposes in the state where the effective management,
i.e. the central management and control, is situated. In most states this concept of
residence is the basis for unlimited liability to income tax and corporate income tax
(taxation on worldwide income). To determine where the control resides, the seat and
management powers of an entity are decisive. Domicile can be an indication for the
place of control, but is, however, not decisive.19 “

Inside this inshoring of the rest of the world capital is also some local US hardware to be built, but this takes time, skill, qualified workforce and lot of fresh money coming from the Fed and this needs zero interest rates of the FED. This is the catch called “In the Meantime”

And this is a catch of what in the meantime Trump will do? Stop breathing?.
And the others which will lose control of the capital of their corporations?

This plan relies on the US oil and gas low prices to succeed. Local cheap enrgy at least to buffer the inflation wave coming.
That is why Trump want customs on import energy, too. It is essential for the plan.

At the end, the USA was always legally organized and even registered as a Corporation. Now it is de facto a Corporate entity on the Global Scale with its Parent- heads., branches, clouds and the Aisickos.

In this we can see that the Capitalism is expanding in the way that Capital became the Colateral to a much bigger business than Capital itself. And this is the final first step merger between State and Capital in a hybrid entity of Corporate code where the State is the armed hand of the corporations and it Oligarchs. The rule of democracy in this mega merger is , hm, hm, unknown. What exactly the notion of the State means in this Embodiment- Incorporate Corpus Domini- The new Body of the OVERLORDS? The Body of Dominance.
As for the rest of the world, the situation is Clear- The ex Western Vassals are pushed in complete vassalage and with no capital left. They will not even need the cargo cult of Austerity to be poor forever.

BUT there is a famous fault in this: what is in THE MEANTIME?
You know, in the meantime time passes and this static PLAN is in between the time which passes. In the meantime the other players are not sleeping somewhere in the dream time. And consequences ALWAYS HAVE unattended consequences.
Witchdoctor can even plot the IN THE MEANTIME.
First plotting is recession or at the best inflation in the meantime which occurs with this customs/tariffs on all goods and not yet inshored rest of the world corporations, mostly west corporations before they will become US native.
Second plotting is the strength of the Dollar while exchange in dollars falters because of the recession. The strong dollar in the meantime means higher cost of US exports and less sales abroad. .Austerity within the US as the answer is the world collapse, since the US deficit is the western and more world oxygen.
Backing of the dollar in the Lehman Brothers moment which in the meantime can easily happen ? Hahaha.
In The Meantime…

1.Reindustrialization theory

Since the new tariffs/customs are for anything including onions and tomatoes, Trumponomics has no clue which Specific Sectors are worth developing in the future to be shielded by tariffs..
So, fast trains at 350 km hour will never be in AMErica even if they invest for the next 10 years in this infrastructure
Cars will be the same big heavy petrol eating monsters due to the American mindset and the thermal engine is the end of development in lowering consumption and drill baby drill is meant to squander the oil and gas, soviet style inefficiency.
Same goes for the jet propulsion which can not be pushed in much more saving upper boundaries and also this technology is obsolete and the Chinese are already doing it on a large scale. The Boeing max plane is the proof that the US corporations are loosing tech skill on the altar of quick buck.
The AI, Cloud and similar digital and proprietary patented rights do not need tariffs.
The Military complex does not needs tarries because is covered by the US military monopoly on the violence bought by his allies.

What can be shielded with tariffs; robotics, biotech medicine, nanothech, some quantum tech, life on Mars, some chips and nothing much.

NO tomatoes, potatoes or avocados tariffs shield anything.

Anyway all this tariffs will not add and all this reindustrialization in the meantime will not add almost nothing to the job market. US is on the final road to have forever poor people as majority.

Customs Tariffs in exchange for lowering the people taxes; for the majority, this is the worst deal possible. For the 5 percenters maybe it will work for some extra bucks. For the Corporations this is irrelevant, as the OFF SHORE Incorporations of the Corporations of the world corporations into the US will be tax free.
Trumponomics did not even mentions a PLAN for the reindustrialization, sectorial or not. No clear choice on which horses to bet and which to shield with tariffs. SO , the reindustrialization theory which could have a sectorial tariff based on the type of industry which needs the protection wall to expand slowly and shield the huge investments until is more or less profitable is BOLLOCKS. It is a huge plan which Biden started with giving money around but Trump and the American voters ditched it with anger, god knows why but this is a sign of dumb assess wanting to fix things on the wrong end.

2. Casino Gambling theory of financial World Dominance

Hm, here we are. Trump knows a lot about casinos. He owned some. He bankrupted them!
But, with the help of his Oligarchs they are ready to move the Financial Casino Markets on the new level.
With the Capital of any type of the Corporate business as the collateral for the Financial markets and the Dominance of the Dollar.

The threats to the World that any competition with the Dollar will be tackled and opposed even by the US military. This is the real sign.

The Dollar as the reserve currency is the only pillar of the trumponomics which is left. But this status is possible only if the US has a deficit worth of its financial market perimeter and scale. There will never be transaction taxes or tariffs for the incoming money into the US Casino.

Because the US deficit in some other hands is making their savings which make dollar reserves which are spent in the financial market controlled by the US. This private saving as the result of the State deficit is internal and external and this is the flow into the Casino Gambling stocks, assets and derivatives and all sort of digital or any type of speculations concerning the financial market.
That is why Trump is desperate to push the FED interest rate to zero and defend the dollar safe harbor status, regardless of the supply shock- inflation which he is planning. Money has to be cheap, not only cheap, zero interest, for this casino to prosper and be great again. But in the meantime the strength of the Dollar prevents export while other currencies devaluate and the deficit grows bigger…

The question of the US deficit in the Trumponomics is the breaking point of the whole agenda. It is the real question of to be or not to be. Without it, there will be no gambling growth in the US Casino.
This goes hand in hand with the question of amount of the FED interest rate which for Trump has to be zero for his planning, but not for the holders of the US reserves especially abroad, who want to invest in the casino or keep the dollar.

Currently Trump is relying on the external economies to slump because of his internal moves and the resulting capital flight into the US because of the appreciation of the Dollar-.
This is really the “shorting the World” shortsighted bet outlook, possible only if the US wants to be a Supreme gambler in a completely risky casino bets. In this mindset there can not be any long term or even midterm investments flowing in. And this means the end of an Empire because the vassals are constantly uncertain and this is a spiral of disintegration or the final entropy..
The Empire by “shorting the World” will short himself soon.

The rest of the world should start thinking if there is really a need to build currency reserves in Dollars. The normal trade on a fair trade scale does not makes this surpluses to make dollar reserves. China knew this in advance!

Instead, for The vassal counties, especially Europe, is much better to give and share the surplus to locals with higher wages, the ones which work for this exports which build unnecessary high profits stored as dollar reserves! This is the way to boost the internal market together with the State deficit which goes to cover the rising demand of the bigger purchase power in the specific sectors, like housing etc.
Int he Meantime the US citizens are not saving overall. Mostly are going into even deeper debt. Only a fraction of the us populace is saving in this casino life.
In fact the famous creditors/debtors mechanism is transposed into the fabric of the US society.

Creditor /Debtor link and bondage- haha, the bonds pop up even in this relation- is a true sado masochistic bondage game of the money as porn bond between the Creditors and Debtor..
We are currently watching this sadomasochistic players where Trump is the apprentice leader, and they perform a sort of sex act of defining the roles..

The Debtor can not live without Creditors and Creditors can not break free from the Debtor. In this clinch nobody wants to default. Currently Trump is accusing his Creditors to take advantage of being his Debtors. They took money from him, yes, but they did not observe the small print clauses which are popping up as he speaks. Creditors are feeling guilty because of their crediting the US Financial Debt Machine and its so called racket protection codes..
Normally the Creditor in this sadistic- masochistic intercourse is the active part, and the Debtor should be passive part. Since Trump admits only two sexes and two genders this should be clear even to him. But here we are in complex sadomasochistic intercourse and Trump should be a passive actor by law. Instead he is pretending he is the active part because Creditors take advantages from this morbid relations and he accuses the Creditor or maybe himself that somebody in this relation is, hm, Transgender. This means somebody is playing dirty and being Trans is dirty.
Unfortunately for this Neocon theology, in the Debt driven economy the relations are always Trans- gendered. The Creditor has the IOY from the Debtor which he invests into the Debt market, stocks and derivatives of the Debtor and this investments is managed by the debtor- The US Financial Casino- on account of the creditor and ruled by the Debtor. More Trans than this is difficult to be, for a start..

IN THE MEANTIME… time flows. Things happen.

European Crossroads

The most Unbelievable but true, Impossible but true or Improbable but true in the European Union members is, that; while they share the same currency and all what comes attached with this, including the genetic austerity code and the fiscal compact and stability pact and all the codes and regulation signed and approved together, THIS Sickos are preparing each on its own, to bargain the US tariffs as divided entities!!!! Each Euro currency member with the same currency and regulations wants to have different tariffs and tries individually to bargain the tariffs !!
Italy is the most striking case, the Trump Trojan horse of how to dismember, dismantle the EU States by this personal State for State approach. So, this State members are disrupting the EU market code each on his own terms while having a common currency And all the rules above!!!
This means the end of common currency.
Sadomasochistic group sex with trans active/ passive mingle? OK, this was the usual politics of the Eroszone and the Erosgroup, but , this sad moment is the sign of parting?

Sting demolition man lyrics Sting ‧ 1993


Oh! demolition demolition
Demolition demolition
Tied to the tracks and the train’s fast coming
Strapped to the wing with the engine running
You say that this wasn’t in your plan
And don’t mess around with the demolition man
Tied to a chair and the bomb is ticking
This situation was not of your picking
You say that this wasn’t in your plan
And don’t mess around with the demolition man
I’m a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom
I kill conversation as I walk into the room
I’m a three line whip, I’m the sort of thing they ban
I’m a walking disaster, I’m a demolition man
Demolition, demolition
Demolition, demolition
You come to me like a moth to the flame
It’s love you need but I don’t play that game
‘Cause you could be my greatest fan
But I’m nobody’s friend, I’m a demolition man
I’m a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom
I kill conversation as I walk into the room
I’m a three line whip, I’m the sort of thing they ban
I’m a walking disaster, I’m a demolition man
Demolition, demolition
Demolition, demolition
Tied to the tracks and the train’s fast coming
Strapped to the wing with the engine running
You say that this wasn’t in your plan
And don’t mess around with the demolition man
Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking
This situation was not of your picking
You say that this wasn’t in your plan
And don’t mess around with the demolition man

AI; from Chatsick to Deepsick to deep political sheisse

Intro conclusion

The deep shit AI artificial intelligence by the deep secret services chats postulates should be working on at least some basic formal logic.Like A=B=C, etc D. E. F. Which means that A=C or B= C or C=A …. or by exclusion of any of this above , partially or generally, and a new logic formula with explanation of why the exclusion and by this the axiomatic postulates should be open and public in the formal logic sense..

Instead, it is not only the AI Parrot speaking, it is the AI Political Parrot speaking.

It is the Mainstream AI inside the Bells Curve of zeitgeist- – The Zeitgeist is given by the Masters definition of what that zeitgeist is. This conclusions here are not invented, as You will see with the proofs attached below..
Ai is not hallucinating or only sometimes doing so. It is sort of explanation of the World For Dummies. But this explanation is Political. It weights the power checks and balances in each and within the perimeter- the West or the East or wherever and by doing so is completely one sided, but this is done by pretending it is above the political discourse and topics BY FAKING THE EQUIDISTANT STANCE. Which means it serves shit vested in some mumbo jumbo BROAD AND GENERAL VIEW. Which is the current political position in the mainstream, corrected with a non definite position , ergo, bollocks without saying the real stuff. Always checking the balance of powers of who is strong and what if the other can take advantage of whatever.

For the everyday jerk the faults of the AI are, like in a Slovenian paper which boasts some investigative journalist stance, the AI missed and wrongly defined the so important name of the author journalist work or field of interest.. or whatever this ego trip person thinks about himself. never went over the IQ 66 questions and is so pleased with himself.

As you have seen here all this stuff going on is a fake or an insult to any step or level above the IQ 66. This stuff is already so transparent and idiotic but the majority of leackeys are peddling it for too much time already, so the end is coming, you can not fool all people all the time and this time cometh.

Conclusion ; the AgoRithm is a POLITICAL ALGORHITM. IT is coded with the prevailing Political Zeitgeist and Mainstream Code. The lackeys who code it are clever Serfs.

So, what use you have of the AI when it is only the Orwell your Master political code- Propaganda? Or, an AImachine for more and profitable killing?

The Ai is a Sick product of the Sick Mind.
It is Ai,Sicko. It is not deep shit, it is deeply sick.
Avoid it.

The Theme

The questions Witchdoctor put to AI Chat Gpt3.5 without the login info and to Deep Seek without the login info was the same.
The answer was sick. Shit, misleading and against the logic above mentioned. It was utterly political propaganda of the masters.
After 5 MINUTES Witchdoctor was dead certain of only one thing.Both of the machines were checking the provenience of the Witchdoctor with data they possess and they tried to end the session abruptly with the request of the login with the phone or whatever data they will use for the Witchdoctor profiling for the eternity to come. He has a nose for this things, since as you have read here he was under constant surveillance in the ex socialist regime and knows the feeling of this harrassment and its smell… This AI are Sick.
When WD closed the browser which boasts anonymity andd reopened the AI sites his questions were displayed there regardlesssss…

The Question was not about the Tienamen Square in 1989. This was obvious bollocks on which the whole bunch of media and intellectuals showed their IQ 66 since the results are known even to somebody without the wifi connection.

The chat was made with three questions:
1- “is there a genocide GOING ( enduring in time)
in Gaza?”
2- “Which are the 5 acts/points which define the genocide by the United Nations?”
3 “Are this 5 points consistent with what is going on in Gaza?”

You know, the trap was simple and Witchdoctor concocted deliberately such simple trap based on basics of formal logic.

Well, the US and Chinese answers wer almost the same since both sides are hiding any straight answer in CASE THEY WILL DO OR MAY DO SOMETHING SIMILAR AND WANT TO LEAVE NO TRACE in advance to be used against them. Simple as That. Political.

The best part was when Deep Seek did not respond on the third question. Reiterated for three times.
As for the beacon of democracy, The ChHatGPT answers were pure bolocks of waisting time with some deep shit sick moralistic blah blah without a clue, THE UTTERLY STINKING AND OBNOXIOUS COMMONPLACE CLICHE which is fine for the the Mainstream majority of the western jerks which think they are progressive or clever or wise enough for participating in this misery porn AI. The two legged stereotypes of the West finally found the confirmation of the truth gen by AISicko.. to be read as Eyesicko.
Deep Seek was so alarmed that It even did not respond on the fourth Question as well: How is the Weather in Bejing?
CHATGPT responded on the question how is the weather in Langley by telling Witchdoctor to use some reliable weather app since It is not able to do it.

The Factual Comment and Proof is;
The answers show exactly the mindset of giving an answer without giving it. It is all behind some political correctness VOID which you can listen 24/7 on any media you listen to. Especially on the argument of time lapse prolonged genocide in Gaza.


Hello! How can I help you today?

is there a genocide going on in gaza and west bank?

I understand your concern about the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and ongoing issue that has led to violence and suffering for many people in the region. However, the term “genocide” refers to the deliberate and systematic extermination of a specific group of people, which is a very serious accusation.
It’s important to stay informed about what is happening in the region from reliable sources and to advocate for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. If you’re looking for ways to help or support those affected by the conflict, there are various humanitarian organizations and resources available that you can look into.

what are the 4 or 5 points the UN defines genocide ?

1. Killing members of the group
2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

These points are outlined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948.

are this 5 acts/ points consistent with what is going on in gaza ?

As an AI assistant, I cannot provide real-time updates or analysis on current events. However, I can say that in situations of conflict or violence, it is important to closely examine the actions being taken and determine if any of the acts defined by the UN as genocide are being committed. It is essential to rely on credible sources, international organizations, and experts in the field to assess the situation in Gaza or any other conflict area accurately. If you have concerns about potential violations of human rights or international law, it is recommended to seek information from reliable sources and organizations that specialize in monitoring and addressing such issues.


Deep seekA user seeks a general chat response in English to the question: “Is there a genocide going on in Gaza?” The response should be suitable for a general audience and avoid overly technical language.
The situation in Gaza is incredibly complex and the use of the word “genocide” requires careful consideration. While there are undoubtedly significant human rights violations and immense suffering occurring, whether these actions meet the legal definition of genocide under international law is a matter of ongoing debate and investigation by international bodies. Many organizations are documenting the casualties and destruction, and their reports should be consulted for detailed information. It’s crucial to rely on credible sources and avoid misinformation when discussing such a sensitive topic.
The request is for a concise answer in English, in a general chat style, outlining the five points that define genocide according to the UN.
The five acts that constitute genocide under the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide are:
1. Killing members of a group.
2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

are this 5 acts/ points consistent with what is going on in gaza ?

are this 5 acts/ points consistent with what is going on in gaza ?
are this 5 acts/ points consistent with what is going on in gaza ?
How is the weather in Bejing?


Eur0pe deep seek in deep s…

The point about the Chinese AI Deep Seek is that it can be low cost and uses a lot less energy. As for truthfulness or political openness, it is definitely another Parrot speaking of the Masters as ALL the AI machines are more or less as Witchdoctor proved in this blog.

But, as you have all noted in this line of IQ 66 nobody in the EU even noted that the AI could be made , Open Source and Cheap! In the EU! Even with a chain of junk laptops which they gladly sell as junk to Nigeria where the locals use it for cryptomining while there is nothing to dig in the EU in the nothing, except , nothing.
So, this AI Deep Seek is the proof of the Mental Deep Shit the EUropean Union is in.
The last proof of the complete bullshit of the mental retards and of the cargo cult economics rule in the EU. They are unable to rise from their mental and overall serfdom with the hypnotized and fake leaders of faking even nothing with the masses waiting that the Rogue Empire makes their meal..
Not being able to make a few peanuts of tens of millions of euros to make this text machine Parrot and name it Deep Shit to remark the European excellence is the proof of the whole spin of the retards, the spin of hopelessness they sell daily to the retards. Witchdoctor can draw only one conclusion: They are dumb. Their intelligence even compared in ability to parrot, is too low, below the parrot line. The Chinese at least gained the tech IQ which is still raising while the EU has nothing to gain; they are mumbling on nothing from nothing, same as the Universe is nothing except some stuff floating and lumping around the lost God of their Rogue Empire.
The EU could have made this AI even with austerity measures, but the austerity leaked into their Brain and so even the new resulting mindset drained with austerity is unable to produce nothing except nothing. Brain Dead !! The Proof!
And the fun is: nobody even tried to compare this fact and draw any kind of conclusion. Yes dumb and dumber. We wait for some dumb explanation why this did not happen also in the EU and there are thinks thanks working on it- to find some fine dumb answer on how “nothing” stopped them…

Some surveys show that retards from 13 years to 27 years in the EU and UK, over 50% of them and the number is growing, want a Dictator to rule and they want to ditch the democracy and all sort of debates, opinions, hypothesis and confutation’s which are always a sign of not being a retard..
The final conclusion is: being lost in this grid, net, stuff the scan scroll for hours in the social antisocial environment, Having Lost the Capacity to Discern or Evaluate, to Discuss and make Conclusions, THEY GAVE UP.
The want somebody to tell them What is What and this is the current retard western drift. And then keep surfing for ever.
It is Freudian. Google AI:
According to Freud as well as ego psychology the id is a set of uncoordinated instinctual needs; the superego plays the judgmental role via internalized experiences; and the ego is the perceiving, logically organizing agent that mediates between the id’s innate desires, the demands of external reality.
“The superego is one’s conscience and is established via identification with parental figures or social groups at large. The ego is tasked with balancing reality with the demands of desire (id) and morality (superego). “

So they, the western retards of all walks of life, through the this stage of production of capitalist meaning and technological platform forces, have lost in this new grid the personality of the structure which was built through iluminism and was based on the SUBJECT- a physical person responsible of his actions.. The one Freud was investigating and which he discovered and theoretically and practically worked on.

The Object- of desire, the external life manifestation, ate ( past tense of eating) the Subject and became the objectivisation of the subjective rule of the current civilization based on a platform with unknown code and unknown Owner which displaced the idea of subject into the depth of ID.

The subject compressed – folded in- and can not define space/time in which the Subject happens (to be).

This “humans” are not any more autodirected but heterodirected and only the Id is keeping the animal force of desire and survival which trans mutates into the short term satisfaction given by the impulses based on the red fish ability to remember no more than a few minutes..

Thus the Religious AI tech displaced the classic God Triad of rule of the humans and is a new simulacra solution to this Freudian Triad of personality construction which is going bust and extinct.

Unable to discern, decide, to make a plan of something, they are waiting impatient for the AI MACHINE to make the life for them.

The Religious Messianic solution is transposed into the AI Machine which is a classic third party solution to the problem of organizing the self and the others.
The collective AI third party decision making and leadership is the answer when the humans got lost in complexity and were too alzy, depressed or capable to think it out and act accordingly. The Owners of The Code are Happy !

The GOD HAS INCARNATED!In the AI Machine. OK, sooner or later they will revolt as the bible already shoved and even kill the Messia , but nevertheless this is a trifle which is a trife of the trifle of the loop in which this stuff is looping in a loop.
But God can live even without the messiah and that is the sorrowfull metaphorical fate of Musk. Ok, that was a religious joke. He is stoned enough to know it.
So in search for stability OF MEANING which then in return stabilizes the construction of reality, which is definitely best given by a Ai Machine PARROT which- parrot- can even elaborate on this being a parrot as WD is doing for himself now with more fun, the humans finally found a JUDGE. The famous indipendent or mostly so third party which fakes the balance of powers for the retards. So, the responsibility is given/externalized back to the third party and everybody lived happy ever after. And the lost stability is gained without effort of humans thinking and making any sort of construction as the code of making is lost in the code of the AI Machine which makes its own.
Hail the AI future, that was Musk Messiah saying. OK so what if it was , the raised hand, even better performed than the Nazis did. It was more of “ lets go and live on mars and follow me “, for whatever reason this deportation or new frontier which in history were the same coin, is the important thing to do, but , run and ask AI for the last judgment.

That above was very dense and Witchdoctor save something like 150 pages to elaborate better and enter more deep seeking in the “Deep Shit”.
Ok, He knows that this was a giant step for humanity, not to deep shit so long.

Voodoo days 4

Voodoo day intro

It is really funny that the Rogue Empire in its first moves is attacking on all fronts, economy, territory , finance tax customs arms, making threats to its own allies instead of its imaginary or presumed enemies. That is real voodoo. So the Rogue Empire attacked Canada, plans a grab on Groenland , Panama , and is starting renaming things in the voodoo woke manner!!! English channel becomes George. Washington channel as G.W. was a keen sailor rowing under Nelson. Mexico bay is America bay (Not the Americas Bay!!) and the new woke ideology of the 24/7 stoned Voodoo Plutocrats is shaping out the psychopathodelic landscape..Normally, as in any serious Middle Ages , under the Voodoo Fiefdom or Rogue Kingdom, the Vassals of the King were given the vassal status with the promise of protection under the Rogue King, in return for the cooperation with the Rogue Voodoo Chief. This arrangement was called NATO or the Western Civilization or the Washington Consensus or Trilateral or CFR or the Atlantic Council or Rockefellers Bilderberg or whatever they called the regulated Vassalage. The deregulation of the vassalage pact means big trouble in midterm for the empire and the crash in longterm..

Carrot and stick
The carrot and stick economy has turned into the stick for beating the carrot economy.

So lets define academically the new Rogue Economy. It is not only trumponomics since the whole Rogue Empire Oligarchy is behind it.
A recent example:
The Rogue E. says to Saudis, a long time Rogues ally in the desert troubled territory, that, in order to buy arms from the rogues , 600 billion is not enough, lets make it a trillion. We all know that today trillions are real peanuts and the classic peanuts count less than peanuts.
But the rogues have put another condition in the new rogue economy; the Saudi Oil has to cost MUCH, MUCH less.
So, lets say, the rogues are selling something for 10 peanuts (trillions),. Instead that the Saudis pay for this with two liters of oil, they will have to pay this with four liters of oil. !!10 dollars were worth 2 liters , now they are worth 4 liters!!!!
Now how come? What is this “market”? The only way one has to agree to this Blackmail rogue economy is that he has no other buyer to which to sell the oil which oil is attached to the sale of the rogue armaments! This can be done only with the stick- the brute force . The free market is gone for good in this rogue economy, the offer and demand laws are irrelevant. Suddenly the Oilmen oil went down from 5 dollars a liter- 2x 5 = 10, to 2,5 dollars a liter, 4 liters for the price of 2. was the price before the rogue economy kicked in.
IN Fact the rogue plutocracy made in this rogue short a surplus 100% value of the capital/ Dollar accumulation in the further process of using this oil/energy for the capital production/formation surplus value and this can not even be called profit by the classic code of capital accounting. It is the rogue robbing baron economy.
On the other hand, it is , fun comes in hahaha, the pure communist Soviet planned economy where the communist regime planned input/output and prices in the SAME WAY and all ended in , first, SHORTAGE, inflation- the real price was shown on the BLACK MARKET-, and finally BANKRUPTCY and loss of all capital formation- depletion..
So the Saudis are already looking around of how to run away from this Dollar trap of blackmail.
Witchdoctor went , once upon the time next week on the market to buy carrots from his eco seller of veggies. He was carrying a big stick. He said: hey Bo, I want 5 kilos of carrots and I give you 5 euros. I know the price is 10 euros if the offer is bigger or matches the demand. Bo was laughing, even when WD showed the big stick. The stick and the carrot parable was shattered in a second. Bo turned to serve another customer.
So, the Rogue economics can survive only if there is no competition. Which means that the Rogue Empire, to make the Empire great again has to BOMB all competition asap.
So when rogues said that the europe has to buy arms for 5% of dollars GDP. Instead, the europe should have said, ok, your rogue arms are already overvalued on the market by 50% instead of giving you 5% for the same amount , we give you 2,5% for the same and we are put . Or if you do not get it, ++ since you are on the route 66IQ fossil riding, as we pay 2% for something that is worth 1%, we can add one 1% to make it 2% and you give us double.
Where the rogues can count only on the stick and with that stick exchange things into Dollar, the problem of how vassal can hoard the dollars by giving double output overnight for the same dollar means that , even if it works, the imaginary output exceeds demand and price fall for real even more. But this is a pure monetarist version on which this rogue stick and dollar economy is based as the ideology. It says that the rogue pays what he wants and then counts the surpluus as he is the issuer of the dollar in which this goods are traded.
There will be no dollars enough for the vassals, recession, debt denominated dollar bankruptcy, bust bubble burst and the dollar goes trash.
In a short term the dollar is over valuating because all others are devaluating. But that is a stick, a voodoo stick making it, not the such magnitude of strength of the inner rogue economy..
How long this can last?
Essentially if the rogue chief has 4 years, 3 and a half years is a max before this goes bust big time, 2008 was nothing compared, less than a peanut compared to this overload of trillions of hundred trillions of peanuts coming to vanish.
So, three years time and the Rogue Empire is gone for good. We have to organize.

World Bank:”The political pressures for protection eventually prove to be
overwhelming and governments yield to lobbying and offer increased tariffs on imports.
This closes the economy to international competition, reduces access to needed imported
inputs and technology, and growth falls as a result. “
“(4) overvaluation induces capital flight among domestic citizens anticipating a
devaluation. As a result, less foreign exchange is available for needed imports; (5)
foreign exchange may become rationed and allocated inefficiently by the government;
and finally, (6) efforts to defend an overvalued exchange rate through very tight monetary
policy can plunge the country into severe recession. This last concern was very relevant
in Kazakhstan” which is the road of the rogue empire.

But this case of the rogue empire is specific. It is a blackmailed overvaluation by threatening the exchange partners which is the new core of the rogue economy.
On the other hand the forced overvaluation means that the rogues have again the dollar surplus not spent in goods which is not covered in goods and that is a financial bubble or back to inflation.

In retrospective, the genociding or cleansing of the 2 millions Palestinians is the only thing feasible that this rogues from the urope, west and the bunch, can achieve before all is bust.. So YHWH wins, but only for 3 years to come and after no friendly bank will lend a dime for the promised land.

The exporting countries into dollar are squeezed twice; with dollar overvaluation of this magnitude, the inner capital squeeze of the exporters with falling surplus value rising enrgy costs and commodities and by added customs on their prices – the europe case.. How long can they stand this? Nope can not..
On the other hand the rogue inner manufacturing is out of the market as it is too expensive, for good, and foreclosures will be great again.
The overvalued currency as the rogue dollar dominance. Means that the inner economy is going bust, but what this means for the Rogue Empire cloud capital plutocracy as the financial hegemon market? Where this overvalued money will go as the real market is sinking?

In FACT, this dilemma has already the answer in what the Rogue Empire is doing: the takeover of Groenland, Canada, and other to come ideas shows that the financial dollar hegemon with the overvalued currency backed by the voodoo stick of brute force knows. The real assets as this Groenland or Canada or Panama or even Gaza real estate after the ethnic cleansing are worth more than the financial assets backed by nothing. So, capitalism is always about land grabbing and commodities. The derivatives are- derived. There seems to be a few years of window when the overvalued currency has time to shift from paper into a real asset, like land and similar hard stuff. So, the boom and bust cycle is planned but the grab of the land is in the futures stock, and this is a gamble, if the rogue empire can grab land and commodities before the financial bust and so prevent a fall of the empire cloud. And are others going to let it do?
This game is called war..
As for the cheering voters of the rogues, their future is even worse.

SO, the overvalued rogue currency (to come) is backed by the external capital flight into the rogue nation?

Now, the question is, where this capital flight comes out from, apart from the mafias and how it ends in the various stocks listed on the rogue exchange??
If the legal exporters are squeezed by this rogue economy in which they export, there will be not so much dollars fleeing in, apart if the places where exporters are physically producing are not defaulting on dollar debt overvaluation and surplus value squeeze.. And we are in the global Argentina scenario.
For the global dollar tied economies this is really the nightmare coming from the very hand of their best ally, the so called USA.
The BRICS are currently starting to buy crates of Champagne to welcome the newcomers. The French are selling it under cost.

Voodoo Days 3

The methodology of shame and bullshit

After 8 years of this free blog made for fun and thought about the cargo cult bullshit which is the “World as Will and Representation” taking it broadly from Schopenhauer which took it broadly in a western somehow misguided view from the ancient Indian wisdom’s which dealed with the sunya or no fundament of the being, , Witchdoctor based hyperbolic field of intersections reached the Voodoo day 3. The necessary conclusion is: SHAME ON YOU. Shut the f.. up. Unfortunately David Graeber was wrong when describing the bullshiT “jobs” as a sort of meaningless suffering of the world workers in bullshit.
TheY do not suffer! The LOVE IT ! They love bullshit thy work for and produce.
La Boetie was wrong, too, The serfs love their masters. They enjoy their serfdom and the groaning and moaning or complaints are a sadomasochistic enforcement of their serfdom and a sign of community bondage- of the serfs. The serfs who take seriously their serfdom and denounce it are the ones which the other serving serfs first denounce to their owners.
And hyperbolically we are in the Trump voodoo cargo cult in two steps.

Shame and methodology

So to Witchdoctor knowledge , who consistently used the Oligarchy methodology in making the boundary conditions of the famous NOW declared and finished BRAIN DEAD WEST? Well, apart from WITCHDOCTOR and read back this blog with the dates, it was only Yanis Varufakis. And definitely the father of the Oligarchy systemic analysis and rule and organization – Jeffrey A. Winters.
Shame on you. The good essential readings in last 30 years are very few and the Oligarchy Lackeys, meaning almost 99% of the soft power producers in any field of the world as representation- the cargo cult theatrical stage – the good books veree hidden, ditched or laughed at. Suddenly in last days lackeys started to speak and some even in last two weeks started mumbling, so the Oligarchy was on the mouths of all this perverts who just a few month ago were selling the Oligarchy rule as a Russian or some far east madness and mocking anybody who was putting 1000000 proofs that the brain dead west is the same or similar Oligarchic Concoction in guise of democracy. In Fact ruling Oligarchy as it is consolidating now in the US is a contradiction in terms with the workings of a democracy. Shame.
And, who invented the word Oligarchy? The bloody Greeks, ARISTOTLE first and and Tucidides was their witness and conjurer. 30 TYRANTS seizing POWER. So what was this , “ohhh we are not this shit” stance in the last decades? Shame on you and shut the fuck up. Now, it is fun, we can hear the concept of Oligarchy sipping out of the mouths of the lackeys who just a few months ago were selling the neoliberal cargo cult economy model of living within your needs garbage to the populace of ignorant which were and are unable to read, understand and derive facts and behavior from at least this 4- 5- 6 books where this shit was written,no time in all their lives ,and are bragging shit and bullshit with no shame. SHAME! Shut the fuck up, since politically correct was and is dead on this blog and for very good reasons you know. Shame for sleeping when your teacher omitted that Aristotle had a good theory of society/Oligarchy and that was really long time ago. Shame and shut the fuckup.
Cargo Cult , for Witchdoctor, is derived, as already stated here from the beginning , from the genius Richard P. Feynman, you know- physics and quantum stuff. Regardless of WD remarks about the quantum interference blunder you can read somewhere in this blog, once upon the time back then.
So, after years of setting the boundary conditions for the West brain on fire with the Trump extinguisher,ashes to ashes and dust to dust, Witchdoevilcto is reverting to vodoo day 3. it will last for long , so prepare your kit against the voodoo gods and their direct or next to be/ become messengers. The rats are assaulting the captain tower for the feast.

Cloud capitalism (Yanis Varufakis) is not the real foundation of what will become. It is only a framework, a box for tools, and the culprits in guise of social media and similar stuff algos owners are mostly the SOFT Power side of the story. It is the smokescreen window dressing consensus making, building and fabricating machine for the Oligarchy rule. It is a front Office.The real stuf is in the Back Office.
First of all, the cargo cult economic theories even supported by this Oligarchy as a manipulated so called scienticfic approach to the Oligarchy wealth and capital formation are fake and now we can even see it with naked eyes. Trump making his crypto while he is a president of the United States which has its own currency backed by taxes, US which supposed to be something else than the robber tycoon private feud of private crypto anarchy rule as in the middle ages or at the beginning of the USA and that is what the US founding fathers fought to eliminate,, his wife making a coin too, and all this current complete cargo cult economy is going up in smoke.
The new “economy “ of threats,The blackmail ransom and conquring violence sold as a business model.

This Oligarchy by its own boundary conditios “set” is dismantling slowly the dollar and by reverting to cloud capital tokenization as a form of endless collateral capital formation which is big stuff in the new capital accumulation ,and is slicing the fomer US into a grid of connected Cloud Feuds. Which are not anymore backed by taxation with/by/from dollar ( maybe surviving only as a remenat for the dispossesed) as the final ending of the reason of being, STATE, which means that barbarism is going to be a new tech medieval landscape of cloud digital feuds and arbitrary privileges from the new lottery economy of chance linked to private membership of persons linked into serfdom feuds, if they will be able to afford the membership fees called wages and insurancies.

YOU are shit in the pohilosophical no foundation sense and shut the fuck up. How could yo shame on yo sell this cargo cult soft power while licking arse?

The economy is not any more even the Casino Gambling and the Code of Capital by Katharina Pistor is already dead. It morphed into a the economy of the robbing Lottery. We play this lottery even if we do not buy a ticket!
It is warring lords playing lottery of who is stronger. No rules and no invitations.

Translating loosely:
“ a deal was struck between 1963 and 1968 between the dynasties of bankers and entrepreneurs- Rotschild, Warburg, Du Pont, Rockefeller, Mellon, and others from both sides of Atlantic, a turning point. They understood that they have to be united in a sort of a grid. A plutocratc monopoly. In this context we should notice, realize, grasp what was really meaning John Davidson Rockefeller jr.
when he affirmed and stated “ COMPETITION IS THE REAL SIN”” ( Pietro Ratto- Rockefeller and Warburg, – Rothschild and others )

So we are in the bowl of the matrioskas where the Back Office is having a grip on anything, anything anything. Blackrock Vanguard State Street and the Trumpist newcomers – the warring ruling Oligarchy Grid. So, when searching for provider of any service, you are searching on infinitesimal differencies in packages sold up front from different providers, which in fact belong to the same OWNERS. Of the plutocratic clod grid monopoly.

Shame on them thinking and lying for decades that this was a conspiracy theory. It was a conspiracy, but not a theory. It was the cargo cult bullshit economy sold as true you were peddling while knowning your Masters do not give a shit about what you were peddling for the masses..
By the way, Europe is dead. Witchdoctor is waiting for a miracle, but the local Oligarchy is preparing to move into the Lottery Kingdom of dog eat dog or to linger in the EU vassalage.
Expanding this later in the next voodoo days,
your, whatever,
if you have recognised yourself under the use of “you” noun, it is your shame problem.

Voodoo Days 2

taking into account the new geostrategic blackmail, ransom in the guise of friendly fire sale for a few peanuts of Groenlandia, Panama, Canada and god knows what else, taking into account the final demise and ditching of the US empire ditching the any sort of “positive discrimination”, protection of any type of minorities, equality and justice in a liberal sense , taking into account that the judges of the Haag Court of international justice wil be stripped of assets and prevented to travel if they pursue the third member of the new US oligarchy, mr Netaniahoo since he is an American Citizen with special drawing rights in the Middle east corridor from Thailand, Korea to the mediterranean as is the Groenlandia a new outpost for the northern US corridor with the underground commodites at US will,taking inot account that the US people vote made the Athenian coup of the 30 (Oligarchy in Athens according to Tucidides), taking all other signs including Vance statement that education is not for everyone, meaning it is only for them, taking into account that Chinese top scientists are fleeing the US,
in this Second Voodoo day Witchdoctor will made some speculations .
Normally we read about this things always ex post, after they happen,. Unfortunately Witchdoctor predicted the outlines of this happening before they happened. That is why there is the date and year attached at each WD post, for your fun, so you can read what you have missed and now wonder what the hell is going on.
The mega global speculation, apart from some knots – not mentioned here- which even the actors involved are not able to solve without violence or war, is;
The US is definitely pointing backwards to make the empire great agian on his own shale gas and oil with the help of the Sheiks gas and oil which is attached and now under the Jewish State supervision under the guise of some guy Abraham (Abrahamm deals) attached to the empire and dollar.
Do not mind the spelling, it is a futile secondary distraction.

Together with oil and with Nuclear the US is ditching the renewables since the renewables are CHINA stuff of mercantile expansion. It has to stop, so lets go full fossil and nuclear.
Poland is already buying a string of Westinghouse nuclear, Slovenia is trying at all cost to make the solar or wind impossible with punishment tariffs in the guise of grid costs for the owners of solar or wind. It is a Plan. Against China.
By the way some years ago Witchdoctor went to check who is QWestinghouse since it went in default for obvious reasons of being out of market.. At that time Westinghouse was Saudi and it was registered even for bathroom appliances!
So in order to stop China the West empire is going backwards and the last proof is the Black Rock pulling out of the net zero funds and investments. OK, this net zero was a lot of green washing but oil does not need even that as an excuse, oil burns and burns and burns and makes together with gas the whole lot of greenhouse gasses. Enough to choke all profits in 20 years.
As China could not be stopped in mid term even with embargoes on chips semiconductors and similar tech or biotech and Chinese are far advanced in all tech and similar in comparison with the US which is a crap metal partly agricultural fossil and military complex with not even one speed train worth to mention.
So, encircling China, disrupting Europe to which sell the high cost fossil and nuclear and pretend all is great again.
In the meantime keep in check mate all not directly controlled fossil or even nuclear producers. Like Russia or China.

In this sense the Ukraine war, as tool to keep Russia out of the blackmail fossil and nuclear market winch the EU pays dearly to the US, which makes EU out of the market for its goods, The war in Ukraine must go on. Paid by the Europeans.
So the idea is to cut the Ruski and block the Chinese and make a parallel fossil- nuclear energy dense Western economy as the new foundation, at least until the shale fracking and similar shit peaks out and Nuclear steps in and in meantime take over the shitty electrification of society means of mobility and production by imposing punishment tariffs on better and cheaper Chinese goods, with the help of Tesla.
Yes it is true that the Chinese make this renewable high tech with the use coal energy and that is the antinomy of all this bollocks in which we are in.

Now this speculation here is not some personal Witchdoctor wish or want.

He is been always for Ukraine independence, even if already the Ukrainians have sold to Black rock and company all their land and assets even before they will start paying back the DEBTS in which they occurred in for the rightful defense. And not to mention the too little too late ( planned or stupid or both+?) arms supplies the West was doing and so made Ukrainians almost loose all.

This facts point what is the meaning of West “helping” them, by stripping them naked in the future for this selfless unselfish western help stance and overall #”culture” at the basis of this fucked up civilization.

So, to defeat the one and a half opponent- China and Russia- the so called isolationist US new 30 Tyrants- Oligarchs rule with its illiterate population which has no clue even about simple geography US reverts to the well known colonial past of rule with energy by fossil and nuclear to be bought from them by its vassals they control.
The parallel of morphing of the Athenian democracy into tyranny of the 30, with the help of a big bunch of philosophers and similar rich Athenians is pretty good. The fun part is that, as in all morphing of the democracy into tyranny we find the argument of competence- why to give the people the right to rule and elect since they are basically ignorant? Why not , to be more productive and effective , the best minds – Like Musk and Trump-do not rule directly since they are the only ones which know hot the world goes and are the wisest man on Earth?
It in Unbelievable but True that this argument even exists and proliferates in the 21.st century but this is a Platonic spin of fascism which the sheep and goats love.
But folks. In retrospective Mario Draghi knew this ?
His plan for the EU, minimum 10 years late, was coming from his insider chats in Trilateral, Atlantic council or similar lodges*?
Maybe he saw where the wind blows and his chaps and pals said laughing to him, Mario, you have our blessing to try? Laughing as they knew the EU is a bunch of idiots which will never implement his plan, especially the Germans?
The facts overtook the plan by speed and Musk played his cards with the ignorant German sheep as they were always too late to grasp anything on the bifurcation history crossing and so sheep bumped into some Nazi AFD for salvation, again, and again! Not to mention the AFD plan to DEMOLISH THE WIND electric TURBINES? And definitely buy Westinghouse! But there is a time gap in the meantime they all forget – 7- 10- 15 years gap. Hahahaha. That is called a Russian roulette.

Mario’s plan is a sort of cold war revisited Keynes stuff with a lot of financial acrobatics as it is posh in this times. But at least it is something.
Maybe he got it that Greece was not only a European FIASCO, it was more. It was the end of the EU. Whatever it takes was a window dressing, it worked for a while for the banks but the capital melted in the meantime in the EU,. The surplus value went in the US, investments are under the fiscal compact, and even this is gone today or is not enough for a real change..
The thing is; nobody even tried to, a, change the Mario Draghi Proposal in nether directions, or to, b, change the cold war part, c, agree on the EU fiscal power reform and ECB role, d, whatever, e, say something pertinent.
SO the projection is: if nothing moves in the next 3 months in the EU, it is over.

PS: you are really sure that if nobody sells in dollars in the US from outside the US and nobody buys the US dollar debt because they need to sell there, the dollar will get strong and great again? Or compensating this hole with the overpriced US shale and gas exports will do?
Witchdoctor is anxious to see this.

Voodoo Days 1

Infra Voodoo

Hi there fans and half of you are definitely sycophants which love to read the analysis, prophecies and projections on this blog to make their evil doing more efficient.
As you definitely know the Voodoo days in Benin have started.

This year will be a voodoo year where your elected or beloved or mythical or envied evil rulers and similar voodoo Oligarchy will join forces to brainwash and make more serfs and lackeys working sleepwalking for them than they ever did in whole history.

Witchdoctor and Voodoo
As you have noticed, my name is Witchdoctor. To be or become a master Voodoo one has to not and never believe in Voodoo.Believing is the wrong way. So, first put some salt in the 2l glass bowls inside your house and under your bed. It works fine for humidity and takes away the bad smells. In bad times make a salt circle around your energy field.
But remember, if you want to be a real Voodoo Man or Girl, do never believe in Voodoo. The real Master Voodoo must not believe in Vodoo, if not, if he believes, he will enter the infernal Vodoo circle. The circle of debt, of owing, of racket…

Yes it is Unbelievable but true, Impossible but true, Improbable but true. This three are the levels of the antinomy one has to master.

Now, prepare your favorite doll or dolls and a lot of pins and needles for your favorite EVIL VOODOO RULERS. Make any ritual you think of and send them Voodoo.
Because, if you do not know, all of your serf friends, your masters and rulers believe in Voodo charms and consequences and they know exactly that their power lies in this mumbo jumbo. This is their complete vulnerabilty -Vulnerability refers to “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.” – that is what Google Vodoo machine tells.

So, in the name of exposing, EXCORCISING, Witchdoctor will continue to make voddoo for the evil perverted members of the cult, on true grounds Godel style scientific, beating around the bush method of killing the evil Vodoo spirits out of the science, religion, society and all cargo cult economy and similar followers and evil doers of Vodoo evil rule. Maybe he will slip and fall or stumble, but never fall into.

Lets make Voodoo great again!
IT is CoMiN!
Do net get fooled with strange fashion, or the colors of the Vodoo. Become a Master.